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Read Thread: High School Prank

High School Prank
Board: Funny Pages
Feb 25, 2008 4:56pm
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I work in a public Middle School and High School and probably should NOT think this is funny....but I guess as long as it's not happening at my school, I can laugh....

Who says today's Kids aren't smart?? (Well, some of them are!!!)
I wish I'd thought of this...
At a high School in Montana a group of high schoolers played a prank on the school. They let three goats loose in the school.
Before they let them go they painted numbers on the sides of the goats--1,2 and 4.
Local school administrators spent most of the day looking for #3.
Re: High School Prank
Board: Funny Pages
Reply to: #190598 by Lucy Locket
Feb 25, 2008 5:02pm
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That is brilliant!

Re: High School Prank
Board: Funny Pages
Reply to: #190598 by Lucy Locket
Feb 25, 2008 5:08pm
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Oh, man! That is WAY better than stinkbombs in the restrooms!

That is an old-fashioned, lovely, Tom Sawyer-like prank. How funny!

Knit Wit
Re: High School Prank
Board: Funny Pages
Reply to: #190598 by Lucy Locket
Feb 25, 2008 5:13pm
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That was good!

Thanks for the laugh!

slick kitty
Re: High School Prank
Board: Funny Pages
Reply to: #190598 by Lucy Locket
Feb 25, 2008 5:18pm
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Quote numbers on the sides of the goats--1,2 and 4.
Local school administrators spent most of the day looking for #3.


Hi Wassa
Re: High School Prank
Board: Funny Pages
Reply to: #190598 by Lucy Locket
Feb 25, 2008 5:33pm
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DH (HS principal) is STILL laughing about this. I cannot tell the story about his participation in a senior prank eons ago.

He always says you have to pick your battles. At a former school his superior did not like the manner in which some of the kids were dancing, and made a very public display of disapproval. From that point on every dance featured Footloose as the last dance of the evening. How can you hold that against young adults?
Re: High School Prank
Board: Funny Pages
Reply to: #190598 by Lucy Locket
Feb 25, 2008 8:17pm
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As I read this outloud my highschooler is laughing hysterically. I'm not sure who thought it was funnier.
Re: High School Prank
Board: Funny Pages
Reply to: #190598 by Lucy Locket
Mar 1, 2008 12:49pm
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BWaaaa Haa aHaaaa! I wish I had been that clever! That is Hilarious!