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Read Thread: OMG!! I actually won something!!!

OMG!! I actually won something!!!
Board: Look at Me! Look At You!
Feb 26, 2008 5:38am
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I went to a function this past Saturday called "Day of Dance". It is in combination with "Spirit of Women" activities and it focuses on getting women more involved and knowledgeable in their own and their family's medical care.

Anyway, I didn't really want to go because it was sort of work related and I just wanted a day to myself, but at the same time decided I should go because it would boost my morale for work, etc....

Well, long story short, I got lots of free goodies from all the vendors and registered for every door prize available. I thought I would never stop filling out those little entry forms.

I got the call today. I won 3rd place from a laser hair removal facility. It is worth $300, BUT if I took an appointment in the next 2 days to "fill their downtime appointments", they would give me an extra $100. So, there you have it, I won $400!! in laser hair removal...

Decisions, decisions...

Re: OMG!! I actually won something!!!
Board: Look at Me! Look At You!
Reply to: #190693 by sweet n sour
Feb 26, 2008 5:43am
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I know you were surprised !!
Re: OMG!! I actually won something!!!
Board: Look at Me! Look At You!
Reply to: #190693 by sweet n sour
Feb 26, 2008 7:30am
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This is so wrong but at the same time so funny. When I read your story the picture on the right side was of a hairy little chipmunk. It's just my sick twisted mind that found humor in that coincidence - Sorry.
Re: OMG!! I actually won something!!!
Board: Look at Me! Look At You!
Reply to: #190721 by pugnasties
Feb 26, 2008 7:32am
Thread (disabled) Board
Isn't it funny how that seems to happen pretty frequently.

I remember reading something about being in the wrong place at the wrong time and I was a little tipsy, but there was Poor Little Marjorie perched dangerously close to the edge of a huge mug of beer.
Re: OMG!! I actually won something!!!
Board: Look at Me! Look At You!
Reply to: #190693 by sweet n sour
Mar 1, 2008 12:50pm
Thread (disabled) Board
Wow! I would NEVER have to trim the bikini line AGAIN! You ARE lucky!