Read Thread: Another first!!!
Re: Another first!!!
Board: Traditional Letterboxes
Reply to: #223164 by Gryffindors
May 7, 2008 10:51am
I live on 73 wooded acres, and have been known to go a full week without putting on any clothes. It's not because I'm weird on anything, there's just nobody out here to see me anyway, why bother? Sometimes I even make it to the mailbox without putting anything on, but I always check to see if the coast is clear first.
Now, I've got a brother who most definitely is weird. He's been arrested numerous times for various charges that all boil down to being nekkid in public, sometimes on a deserted island (once a Coast Guard vessel had to use binoculars to gather "evidence"), but also sometimes protesting outside a courthouse or whatnot. I don't think he's actually ever been convicted, but not for lack of trying. Fortunately, for the past few years he's spent most of his free time protesting George W. Bush rather than the lack of freedom of expression, and there's a lot more people on his side when protesting Bush. After next January, maybe he'll go back to wiggling his junk in public for fun.
Re: Another first!!!
Board: Traditional Letterboxes
Reply to: #223164 by Gryffindors
May 7, 2008 11:08am
I found myself a naked hiker while looking for letterboxes on the Denny Creek trail east of Seattle a number of years back. That was my first (and to date, only) experience finding a naked hiker where I wouldn't have expected to see one. (I've seen a number of them near clothing optional hot springs and even joined in the nakedness there, but I don't think clothing optional hot springs count as "unexpected.")
But be warned! The first day of summer is Hike Naked Day, and you'll be much more likely to find a naked hiker on that day than any other day of the year. I've met several people who claim to have hiked naked on that day. =)
-- Ryan
But be warned! The first day of summer is Hike Naked Day, and you'll be much more likely to find a naked hiker on that day than any other day of the year. I've met several people who claim to have hiked naked on that day. =)
-- Ryan
Re: Another first!!!
Board: Traditional Letterboxes
Reply to: #223203 by Green Tortuga
May 7, 2008 11:18am
June 21st is the first day of summer and it falls on a Saturday this year!
So which LBH are going hiking in all their glory?
Re: Another first!!!
Board: Traditional Letterboxes
Reply to: #223112 by Poodle Circus
May 7, 2008 12:34pm
From our local paper:
May 6
Disorderly Conduct
A 19-year-old Mount Gilead man was charged with persistent disorderly conduct after he was allegedly found on the Mount Vernon Nazarene University campus with no clothes on. According to the report, the man was detained by campus security and refused to speak or identify himself to investigating officers. He was transported to Knox County Jail.
The office gossip (on campus) is that he did have a backpack with him... :-D
May 6
Disorderly Conduct
A 19-year-old Mount Gilead man was charged with persistent disorderly conduct after he was allegedly found on the Mount Vernon Nazarene University campus with no clothes on. According to the report, the man was detained by campus security and refused to speak or identify himself to investigating officers. He was transported to Knox County Jail.
The office gossip (on campus) is that he did have a backpack with him... :-D
Re: Another first!!!
Board: Traditional Letterboxes
Reply to: #223203 by Green Tortuga
May 7, 2008 12:45pm
Who's hosting the LB event to commemorate that day?
**crickets chirping**
Re: Another first!!!
Board: Traditional Letterboxes
Reply to: #223281 by Mn8X
May 7, 2008 1:30pm
I better edit my profile! I said my favorite day to letterbox is June 21st!
Re: Another first!!!
Board: Traditional Letterboxes
Reply to: #222900 by A Son of Liberty
May 7, 2008 1:39pm
The mind just boggles.
Re: Another first!!!
Board: Traditional Letterboxes
Reply to: #223316 by Poodle Circus
May 7, 2008 2:17pm
I'd think we would have heard something from him by now. Weird.
A son of liberty
A son of liberty
Re: Another first!!!
Board: Traditional Letterboxes
Reply to: #223316 by Poodle Circus
May 7, 2008 3:53pm
Sometimes, it is best just to leave a good story alone! And this is a GREAT story!
Re: Another first!!!
Board: Traditional Letterboxes
Reply to: #223377 by wassamatta u
May 7, 2008 3:55pm
Re: Another first!!!
Board: Traditional Letterboxes
Reply to: #223377 by wassamatta u
May 7, 2008 4:26pm
Who wants to see a naked moose, anyway?
Re: Another first!!!
Board: Traditional Letterboxes
Reply to: #223388 by Kirbert
May 7, 2008 4:32pm
"Who wants to see a naked moose, anyway?"
I DO if there is a box involved!!!
I DO if there is a box involved!!!
Re: Another first!!!
Board: Traditional Letterboxes
Reply to: #222890 by Poodle Circus
May 7, 2008 5:26pm
I hope that wasnt my husband!!! I told me he was just out hiking : )
Re: Another first!!!
Board: Traditional Letterboxes
Reply to: #223398 by Team Springamajack
May 7, 2008 7:16pm
me too!!!!
i thought there was a nakie moose when we went to vermont... but my mom told me it was just a female moose? maybe? somethin like that =]
i love reading these posts ^-^
if i ever have kids i think they'd be nudists aswell,
nakie time will be a great few hours to enjoy
then it'll most likely get our neighbors complaining...
about that and most likely other things aswell =]
isn't june 21st summer solstice?
i'll hopefully be in texas visiting on that day ^-^
i'd love going hiking [and LBing] on that day!!
yayy!!! =D
Re: Another first!!!
Board: Traditional Letterboxes
Reply to: #223281 by Mn8X
May 8, 2008 4:15am
I would do it but the boxers I know from around GA I DO NOT want to see naked bending over hunting for boxes. The guys can keep their fruit baskets hidden and there is no need to add a little more bush to the woods.
Re: Another first!!!
Board: Traditional Letterboxes
Reply to: #223591 by oread
May 8, 2008 4:57am
I was envisioning a back shot of buttcheeks with a letter box caught in the crack!
Re: Another first!!!
Board: Traditional Letterboxes
Reply to: #223605 by Ma Pickle
May 8, 2008 5:35am
What size LnL would that be?
Re: Another first!!!
Board: Traditional Letterboxes
Reply to: #223621 by shiloh
May 8, 2008 5:40am
hummmmmmmmmmmmm New version of a letterboxing calendar for 2009 ?????
Re: Another first!!!
Board: Traditional Letterboxes
Reply to: #223622 by TalleyValleyFarmClan
May 8, 2008 7:04am
Re: Another first!!!
Board: Traditional Letterboxes
Reply to: #223683 by Fluffy Cow
May 8, 2008 3:46pm
Letterbox Buff theme for the calendar?
You guys crack me up!
You guys crack me up!
Re: Another first!!!
Board: Traditional Letterboxes
Reply to: #223981 by zinni
May 8, 2008 4:07pm
It could be like Calendar Girls! Naked, but showing nothing. LBs perfectly placed in every photo! How funny!
Re: Another first!!!
Board: Traditional Letterboxes
Reply to: #223986 by Casa del Sol
May 8, 2008 4:29pm
We'll be the PHOTOGRAPHERS!!
Re: Another first!!!
Board: Traditional Letterboxes
Reply to: #223991 by Team Springamajack
May 8, 2008 5:02pm
What trail were you on? Poodledudes! Poooodledudes where in Eugene? I feel like hiking;)
Re: Another first!!!
Board: Traditional Letterboxes
Reply to: #223185 by Kirbert
May 8, 2008 5:23pm
Kirbert, which island was this? My sons are both in the US Coast Guard in Florida and they were telling me about going to an island and busting a nekkid guy. Sheesh small world if my sons busted your brother. ROFL
and is a proud mother and wife of those serving in the USCG
Re: Another first!!!
Board: Traditional Letterboxes
Reply to: #223995 by Wooohoo Crew
May 8, 2008 5:39pm
I think y'all may be assuming that this was a sight worth seeing. Maybe it was no big deal...
Knit Wit, who can't believe I typed that
Re: Another first!!!
Board: Traditional Letterboxes
Reply to: #224003 by deniserows
May 8, 2008 5:48pm
It was an island off of St. Pete. Many years ago, now. Ask your sons how long the guy's hair was!
Keeping the world safe from people sunbathing nekkid miles from the nearest observer.
Re: Another first!!!
Board: Traditional Letterboxes
Reply to: #223605 by Ma Pickle
May 8, 2008 11:04pm
Would it be named something like this?
janet, BF
Re: Another first!!!
Board: Traditional Letterboxes
Reply to: #223995 by Wooohoo Crew
May 9, 2008 7:39am
Seek ye Team Springamajack's Scare Bear series on the Ridgeline Trail and you too may be blessed (??) with a vision of full frontal nudity. Go now, fast, cleanse your heart and embark upon your journey; the Quest for the Nakey Male.
Re: Another first!!!
Board: Traditional Letterboxes
Reply to: #224188 by Poodle Circus
May 9, 2008 8:32am
I recently also encountered a nudist, except he had a distinctly creepy look about him...
After passing him, I kept looking down the trail behind me... making sure....
This weekend I'm going to buy pepper spray.
Also, on a related note, remember the "Help Line" thread? That suddenly sat differently in my mind. Couldn't that be used for something bad? For example, a letterboxer is in the woods. The person gets lost, and calls the help line. That person is now inviting a stranger to meet them at a possibly remote location. Anyone see something potentially dangerous in this?
PLEASE always tell someone where you are going before you go, carry mace and a cell phone.
After passing him, I kept looking down the trail behind me... making sure....
This weekend I'm going to buy pepper spray.
Also, on a related note, remember the "Help Line" thread? That suddenly sat differently in my mind. Couldn't that be used for something bad? For example, a letterboxer is in the woods. The person gets lost, and calls the help line. That person is now inviting a stranger to meet them at a possibly remote location. Anyone see something potentially dangerous in this?
PLEASE always tell someone where you are going before you go, carry mace and a cell phone.
Re: Another first!!!
Board: Traditional Letterboxes
Reply to: #224205 by Team Thorn
May 9, 2008 9:18am
where do you buy pepper spray and/or mace? I've looked for it, but haven't found it anywhere. I think I don't know where to look...........