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Read Thread: Help the LUNA Crew!

Pumpkins for Luna Crew! (x post)
Board: State: Connecticut
Reply to: #296405 by Brandy
Oct 16, 2008 7:55am
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First you should read this post.

Please check out my custom jack o'lanterns (my facebook page, or some in Archimedes Screw's album). I sell them for $40 each if it's a premade pattern (HUNDREDS to choose from... celebrities, cartoon characters, logos... just ask!) or $75 for a custom pattern (your child, your dog, etc.). They are on Funkins brand artificial pumpkins that are available at JoAnn Fabrics.

Due to the Luna Crew's recent financial situation, I'm offering to carve a pumpking for whoever wants it and donate all the profits (anything besides the cost of the actual Funkin) to the Luna Crew at the party next Saturday.

Contact me through AQ mail if interested!
Re: Help the LUNA Crew!
Board: State: Connecticut
Reply to: #296813 by Brandy
Oct 18, 2008 5:26pm
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Hi Brandie,

It could be done by then. If the orders are placed via my web site, using a credit card, it could work.
If anyone is interested, I will donated all of the procedes from any purchases to the Luna Crew between now and the end of the month.

My website is

I can also be contacted at
Re: Help the LUNA Crew save their house!
Board: State: Connecticut
Reply to: #296774 by Cherry Chapstick
Oct 24, 2008 7:41am
Thread (disabled) Board
We finally have a paypal account set up to help the Luna Crew. Please send your donation to . As some of you may not know...Frank was injured in the line of work and is unable to work or earn overtime as he usually does....putting a tremendous financial burden on the family. This family is well known for their extensive volunteer work as adoptive parents, Juvenile diabetes fundraisers, volunteer for youth groups and they have one of the greatest Halloween neighborhood displays EVER...totally put together by Frank and his family...and now they need help themselves! No donation is too small. Skip a cup of Starbucks and help out before the end of the month. We are on a deadline!

Thank you all in advance for your generousity! Be sure to pass this on!

"Nice Counts"