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Read Thread: Everybody Do the Twist! =)

Everybody Do the Twist! =)
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Aug 8, 2009 5:23pm
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For those following along in the message boards, IrishRef suggested a different algorithm for calculating blue diamonds. Her idea was to throw the highest rated vote and lowest rated vote for each box out (those pesky "outliers") then average the rest and sort accordingly. It's an interesting algorithm, and not one I had considered before. I was intrigued--how would blue diamonds if I sorted it out that way?

And what about those people who think every vote should be counted "as is," no normalization of the votes allowed. How would that shake out? Sure, there would likely be a lot of overlap, but how much? Would one of these other algorithms provide better results? Ultimately, I'm not attached to any one particular algorithm. I'm more than happy to go with the one I think works best.

So I'm having an algorithm face-off. I have created seven, yes, count 'em SEVEN colors of diamonds: red, yellow, green, blue, purple, white, and brown. Each one uses a different algorithm to determine the 5% of boxes that will have that color.

I'm not going to tell you which algorithm goes to which color, or even what all the algorithms are. I will say, however, that one of them does use IrishRef's suggestion. Additionally, one of them is a "flat average"--it takes the votes as is and averages picking those with the highest averages. I'd like your opinions on which color you feel best represents the real "blue diamond letterboxes." I'd also like to point out the the color blue is NOT using the old algorithm--I've actually tweaked the old algorithm and given it a different color to disguise it a bit. =) None of the colors actually represent what the old algorithm used.

If one of the algorithms is a particular clear-cut favorite, I might update the code to use the new algorithm instead of the old one. =)

But please, be honest. Don't pick the color that gives your plants the most diamonds. Pick the one that you feel provides the most accurate results. These are supposed to be the best boxes out there--those that a visitor "can't miss" if they're passing through. Be honest with yourself, and select the algorithm you feel accomplishes this goal.

Red = funny
Yellow = interesting
green = educational
blue = agree
purple = disagree
white = huh?
brown = hug

I'm very curious to see how you all think the different algorithms stack up against each other. =) Also keep in mind, anyone who has opted out of the blue diamonds will not have ANY color on their boxes, so don't fault an algorithm for not putting a diamond on a boxer if you know they've opted out. The problem might not be the algorithm.

I also want to point out--all these colors are temporary. Eventually, I will be selecting ONE algorithm, and that's what'll be used for blue diamonds. The rest of the colors will go away.

Happy trails!

-- Ryan

PS. View your plants and your finds for a good sample of what to expect. Those are the boxes you'll know and can judge if a diamond is fair or not.
Re: Everybody Do the Twist! =)
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #426005 by Green Tortuga
Aug 8, 2009 5:27pm
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I am guessing that something has gone wonky because none of the boxes that used to have BDs do anymore...

Re: Everybody Do the Twist! =)
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #426005 by Green Tortuga
Aug 8, 2009 5:27pm
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Well, poo. I was about halfway through reading and marked interesting because as I was reading, I was interested. Due to a reading disability, I'm unable to read the way most people do, so I'd already read the beginning and end, hadn't gotten to the way in which the votes were tallied yet when I marked it. I guess my vote is Yellow, but it's not a real vote so feel free to count it or not, your choice.
Re: Everybody Do the Twist! =)
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #426005 by Green Tortuga
Aug 8, 2009 5:30pm
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I am guessing you are still working out the bugs on this experiment because I see no diamonds anywhere, even on the boxes of the week.
Re: Everybody Do the Twist! =)
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #426009 by Dizzy
Aug 8, 2009 5:31pm
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you can go back and unmark the interesting so it does not count.

Also, to further comment on my previous post, I am not seeing any diamonds of any color on any boxes anywhere.

Re: Everybody Do the Twist! =)
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #426008 by The Gillespie Tribe
Aug 8, 2009 5:31pm
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Yeah, I'm not seeing any diamonds either....will check back in a bit!
Re: Everybody Do the Twist! =)
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #426013 by rozebud
Aug 8, 2009 5:34pm
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Yeah, I'm not seeing any diamonds either....will check back in a bit!

Sorry 'bout that. It appears I forgot to upload the file with the necessary tweaks to allow non-webmasters to see it. Should be working now!

-- Ryan
Re: Everybody Do the Twist! =)
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #426005 by Green Tortuga
Aug 8, 2009 5:48pm
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Fascinating stuff.

What I find most interesting is those boxes with 4 different diamonds on them. If they are ranking as top 5% using 4 different algorithms, something's got to be pretty good about those boxes, right?

I have to say that it seems to me like you've thrown a red herring into the algorithm mix, too, you crazy mathematician, you.
Re: Everybody Do the Twist! =)
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #426017 by Fiddleheads
Aug 8, 2009 5:51pm
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I see some found boxes with 1-4 different color diamonds too. I need to go back a read how to vote. I see a color diamond not listed in the vote. Okay, I'm stupid. I see some orange diamonds with 2 different color outlines (on some of my finds.)
Re: Everybody Do the Twist! =)
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #426005 by Green Tortuga
Aug 8, 2009 5:52pm
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Wow! My boxes FINALLY have some diamonds (albeit, temporary)!
Re: Everybody Do the Twist! =)
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #426005 by Green Tortuga
Aug 8, 2009 5:59pm
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no pink?! :P
Re: Everybody Do the Twist! =)
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #426022 by the pink dragon
Aug 8, 2009 6:00pm
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I think pink would have been better than brown

Re: Everybody Do the Twist! =)
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #426014 by Green Tortuga
Aug 8, 2009 6:03pm
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Ah, look at all those pretty diamonds...I was hoping to get a few, post-LB Con...shame they're only temporary!

Did you want us to give our feedback as to why we think some have some colors and others have others? Not sure what help we can offer...
Re: Everybody Do the Twist! =)
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #426022 by the pink dragon
Aug 8, 2009 6:06pm
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no pink?! :P

Interestingly enough, within 100 miles of me, the only 2 diamonds showing (there were none previously) are pink. Both look like fun boxes but not what I'd consider "blue diamonds" based solely on the clues I see.
Re: Everybody Do the Twist! =)
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #426005 by Green Tortuga
Aug 8, 2009 6:12pm
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Well just look at the colorful bling my suggestions have wrought.

Mr. IrishRef
Re: Everybody Do the Twist! =)
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #426023 by Goofy girl
Aug 8, 2009 6:13pm
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I think pink would have been better than brown

They are temporary after all.
Re: Everybody Do the Twist! =)
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #426005 by Green Tortuga
Aug 8, 2009 6:14pm
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Wow, tough decision. White seemed closest to what we thought were blue diamond boxes, but one box that was excellent had four diamonds, none white, and two boxes that weren't all that great had white diamonds. Also, some amazing boxes have only been found once so they don't get any diamonds. I guess that's where comments can help. We can let everyone know how good the boxes were. I think it might be nice to see an average of how boxes were rated after a few ratings, but I bet a lot of people wouldn't like that. Ryan, I am glad I don't have your job. It's impossible to make everyone happy and this seems to be quite an opinionated group :0)
Re: Everybody Do the Twist! =)
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #426028 by IrishRef
Aug 8, 2009 6:14pm
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well i looked at my boxes and didn't see them at all
maybe I opted out of the blue diamond thingy...

I don't rate the boxes I find either -- sorry

Re: Everybody Do the Twist! =)
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #426036 by The Early Birds
Aug 8, 2009 6:39pm
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So if I've never rated a box I have found before how do I now do it for 210 boxes???

Re: Everybody Do the Twist! =)
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #426029 by DragonDs
Aug 8, 2009 6:47pm
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Wow, tough decision. White seemed closest to what we thought were blue diamond boxes, but one box that was excellent had four diamonds, none white, and two boxes that weren't all that great had white diamonds. Also, some amazing boxes have only been found once so they don't get any diamonds. I guess that's where comments can help. We can let everyone know how good the boxes were. I think it might be nice to see an average of how boxes were rated after a few ratings, but I bet a lot of people wouldn't like that. Ryan, I am glad I don't have your job. It's impossible to make everyone happy and this seems to be quite an opinionated group :0)

Yeah! I voted for white based on a couple of my very favorite finds. However... if it wins based on the new system a couple of my boxes that had blue diamonds no longer will (until someone else votes I guess) :(
Re: Everybody Do the Twist! =)
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #426014 by Green Tortuga
Aug 8, 2009 6:47pm
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Sorry 'bout that. It appears I forgot to upload the file with the necessary tweaks to allow non-webmasters to see it. Should be working now!

You couldn't just make us all webmasters?
Re: Everybody Do the Twist! =)
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #426041 by Goofy girl
Aug 8, 2009 6:50pm
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well, if you really want to rate all those boxes --
Go to Blue Diamond in the glossary:
And click on the link there.

Leilani's Aunt
Re: Everybody Do the Twist! =)
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #426005 by Green Tortuga
Aug 8, 2009 6:52pm
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I'm not going to tell you which algorithm goes to which color, or even what all the algorithms are.

So then, what are we voting on? I am so lost.
Re: Everybody Do the Twist! =)
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #426005 by Green Tortuga
Aug 8, 2009 6:54pm
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Brown/orange gives the best representation of quality boxes.

I'm saying that even though some of my own boxes that had blue diamonds would no longer. While I was happy to have them, retrospectively perhaps they were just a little overrated. Just a little... ;-)

On the plus side, there are some boxes I found that did not have a blue diamond -- even though we were scratching our heads wondering why they didn't -- that now would.

Re: Everybody Do the Twist! =)
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #426047 by Leilanis Aunt
Aug 8, 2009 7:03pm
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Thank you leilani's aunt, you and one of my chat buddies directed me there and all 210 boxes are done now and I had already rated quite a few of them *pats self on back*

Re: Everybody Do the Twist! =)
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #426049 by BrewHiker
Aug 8, 2009 7:06pm
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However... I would like to submit that retired boxes that had blue diamonds before they were retired get to keep their BDs. A grandfather clause, if you will.

No, I can't resist throwing monkey wrenches. ;-)

Re: Everybody Do the Twist! =)
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #426057 by BrewHiker
Aug 8, 2009 7:07pm
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That's okay I can't resist throwing confetti so we will allow your VIRTUAL monkey wrenches.

Re: Everybody Do the Twist! =)
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #426005 by Green Tortuga
Aug 8, 2009 7:07pm
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Hahaha - I was so confused seeing what's in the lead - thinking *brown*?? Really??? Then I realized that's the one that looks orange on my monitor. That would be OK then. :) Still voting yellow though.

Re: Everybody Do the Twist! =)
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #426005 by Green Tortuga
Aug 8, 2009 7:13pm
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Question: You don't list pink diamonds but I found pink diamonds in my search. Is pink a color you added later or maybe what I perceive as pink is another color to you? Maybe purple? Can you perhaps put images on a site somewhere and link to it so I can figure out what my pink is?
Re: Everybody Do the Twist! =)
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #426005 by Green Tortuga
Aug 8, 2009 7:14pm
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Quick Question:

The ones that have blue diamonds now, will they still have them when you change everything again?

Or will some of the new bd we just got go away, but our originals will still be there?
