Box #39051
A Pressing Matter
Santa Fe, NM
Planter | Astro D (owner) |
Planted | May 1, 2007 |
Modified | January 24, 2024 |
| Name | | Last Found |
F-Summary |
Findability |
1. | A Pressing Matter by Astro D | retired | Jan 8, 2019 | fffffffffffffff | impossible |
Box has been removed and retired as of January 2024.
Buried in the heart of the Palace lies your treasure. To find it, wander through the Palace and enjoy all of the items on display. Then wander out back and go visit Tom and James, who are holding some prince. They probably won’t release their prince unless you fork over some cash, but they will at least help you in your quest if you introduce yourself and tell them you want to see Nils Holgersson.