Box #42069

Go Pioneers! Hand-carvedIndoorsUrbanWheelchair

Campus Pl, Denver, CO
Record Find
or Attempt
PlanterAngel and Demon (owner)ProfileContactLogbookNote
PlantedMay 24, 2007
NameLast Found F-Summary Findability
Go Pioneers!
by Angel and Demon
activeJun 3, 2018fffffffffffffffaverage
Photo Clue
Click for full-sized image
The picture is the view of the Ritchie Center from the building this box is in - but please note, the view is NOT from the exact location of the box. (Hint: the Ritchie Center's gold steeple is to the north.) When you find the building, look down for number 574. When you find 574, look up again. About a foot off the ground, you should see a band of metal painted DU crimson surrounding a pipe. To find Ruckus, the red-tailed hawk, reach underneath the metal band in the left-hand corner for the box.

This is a super-sneaky microbox containing only a stamp and a FF prize. You will need to bring your own ink. (I recommend markers - red, black, and tan or yellow.) Since there is no logbook, "stamp in" electronically on the Go Pioneers! letterbox blog at:

Usual urban boxing cautions apply with double force - campus security is vigilant! Be stealthy.

There is a charge to park in the building where the box is located. Depending on when you come looking for the box, you may be able to find free parking on a side street. The light rail also runs by DU, though it's a little bit of a walk from the University Station to where the box is hidden. (It's a drive by, but not a train by!) I would encourage you to explore the campus after finding the box. The Ritchie Center, the architectural center of the campus, is worth seeing as are many of the other sights on campus.
NOTE: Before you set out you must read and agree to the Waiver of Responsibility and Disclaimer.