Box #8699

A Rose... (2) Hand-carvedDrive-byDogBikeUrbanWheelchair

Morcom Rose Garden, 700 Jean St, Oakland, CA
Record Finds
& Attempts
Planterlisascenic (owner)ProfileContactLogbookNote
PlantedAugust 27, 2005
ModifiedJanuary 28, 2010
NameLast Found F-Summary Findability
is a Rose is a Rose
by lisascenic
retiredMar 28, 2007ffxxxxxxxx Strikeoutimpossible
by any other name
by lisascenic
retiredMay 4, 2012xxxxffffffimpossible
Photo Clue

A Rose is a Rose is a Rose...

Gertrude Stein and I have lived in several of the same cities, and I have had the opportunity to work on her opera "The Mother of Us All." In honor of Miss Stein, I am planting this little flowery box.

Miss Stein had quite a bit to say on the subject of roses, and apparently her partner, Alice B. Toklas, even had dishes made up with Miss Stein's signature phrase running around the rims.

"Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose." (Sacred Emily, Geography and Plays)

"Do we suppose that all she knows is that a rose is a rose is a rose is a rose." (Operas and Plays)

"... she would carve on the tree Rose is a Rose is a Rose is a Rose is a Rose until it went all the way around." (The World is Round)

"A rose tree may be a rose tree may be a rosy rose tree if watered." (Alphabets and Birthdays)

"Indeed a rose is a rose makes a pretty plate...." (Stanzas in Meditation)

Hopefully, you will not be going around in circles to find your box. At the rose garden, pass the interesting intersection of Jean Street and Jean Street, several buildings, a pool, and possibly a wedding or three. Head to the back of the garden, and find Monsieur Tillier and Huntington's Pink Tea. Look up the hill, and grasp the metal railing on your left. Look behind the elbow.

What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.

Shakespeare's lines must surely have been an inspiration to Miss Stein. As a beautiful box inspired by Shakespeare's lovers is leaving the bay area, I offer this little rose and an homage.

The Duchess de Brabant and Mrs. Dudley Cross also flank a little cave, which hides our rose.
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