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A Letterboxing Community

Atlas Quest
Box #15721

A Rose for Timothy Hand-carvedDrive-byUrbanWheelchair

Timothy Lutheran Church, 556 Arnold Mill Rd, Woodstock, GA
PlantedMay 24, 2006
ModifiedMay 24, 2006
Fostered byFoster me!
LocationTimothy Lutheran Church, 556 Arnold Mill Rd, Woodstock, GA
CarversStatus Last FoundF-SummaryFindability
by MoonBunny
activeMay 24, 2016ffffffffffaverage

Box Comments

Polish BakerProfileContactLogbookNote
Love the stamp!
Brown CowProfileContactLogbookNote
Great carve and clue.
GA ThriverProfileContactLogbookNote
This clue is genius! Love the stamp, too.
Flame of UdunProfileContactLogbookNote
Beautiful carve!
EDIT: I went back to re-stamp, but they had redone the landscaping, and the box was missing. D-:
Our first ever Letterbox, and such a beautiful one to start with! We all enjoyed the search, and what a treasure we found. :)
MoonBunny, you will want to replace your log book ASAP! It is full, so we stamped an extra scrap of paper we had and put it in the mini-box (another Letterboxer had already done the same before us). I don't think there will be room for many more scraps for long.
Beach GirlProfileContactLogbookNote
Clever spot - loved the carve!
Absolutely gorgeous carve. Logbook is now completely full.
GA Candy GirlProfileContactLogbookNote
I tried to make this one harder than it was. Such a beautiful carve. Took a picture of it so that I can get home and color.
Squirrel GrrlProfileContactLogbookNote
Ooo, very clever! And an appropriate carve for a Lutheran church, well done. :D
Really enjoyed this one -- My husband and daughter had a blast competing to figure it out. Very very clever