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A Letterboxing Community

Atlas Quest
Box #16017

Greenwood in January Hand-carvedDrive-byDogBikeUrbanWheelchair

Lander College Mall Rd, Greenwood, SC
PlantedMay 28, 2006
ModifiedAugust 16, 2015
LocationLander College Mall Rd, Greenwood, SC
CarversStatus Last FoundF-SummaryFindability
by zoemomma
retiredApr 12, 2012Strikeoutffffffxxxximpossible

Box Comments

I found this box today while letterboxing with hotcoffee, M. Rose and Aiyana. My third in the series. This one is also fairly near a geocache, but far enough away that not likely to be confused. Thanks for the stamp.
This box is long gone, there is a bunch of construction at the mall and all of the evergreens and trees are gone.
The 3 MusketeersProfileContactLogbookNote
Alive and well.
Finally talked my daughter into going with me.
She kept saying we were going to be arrested
for suspicious products! I sure hope not cause
then Zoemomma would have to help us out! lol
thanks for another fun find.