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A Letterboxing Community

Atlas Quest
Box #46492

SVT Challenge : Crane Swamp Region -- Cedar Hill and Sawink Farm (4) Hand-carvedHikeDog

Cedar Hill Conservation Area, 360 Cedar Hill St, Northborough, MA
PlantedJuly 4, 2007
ModifiedMarch 27, 2024
PlantersDale End FarmProfileContactLogbookNote
zess the treehuggersProfileContactLogbookNote
OwnerDale End FarmProfileContactLogbookNote
Keywordssvt svtchallenge
LocationCedar Hill Conservation Area, 360 Cedar Hill St, Northborough, MA
AddendumNovember 2023 update: Sudbury Valley Trustees (SVT) works to protect natural areas and farmland for wildlife and people in the 36 communities that surround the Sudbury, Assabet, and Concord Rivers. SVT Letterboxing Challenge was planted in 2007 to increase awareness of SVT properties and the amazing land conservation projects they accomplish. If you found all 14 boxes you got a patch and a bonus box! We are currenlty working to ensure that all boxes are accounted for, with current clues, and replacing boxes that are missing. The patch is not currently avaliable but we are working with SVT to reissue this exclusive patch!
NameStatus Last FoundF-SummaryFindability
1.Golden-winged Warbler
by zess the treehuggers
activeMay 13, 2024fffffxFfffgood
by zess the treehuggers
activeAug 30, 2024ffffffFfffgood
3.Ruffed Grouse
by zess the treehuggers
activeMay 1, 2024ffxfffFfffgood
4.The Wagon Wheel
by zess the treehuggers
activeMay 1, 2024ffffffffFfgood

Box Comments

So nice to find the last two but a bit muddy.
Purple Gem and Tou Ron RonProfileContactLogbookNote
We finally finished the series!! The carves are beautiful.
It’s so rewarding finding these old and beautiful stamps.
Purple Gem and Tou Ron RonProfileContactLogbookNote
Finally came back to get box 2.
burning feetProfileContactLogbookNote
Nice day for part of the challenge
Dale End FarmProfileContactLogbookNote
March 2024 update: Clues revised for changing conditions and new box locations.
So glad to find the Warbler. Will be back for the rest on a nice day.
Purple Gem and Tou Ron RonProfileContactLogbookNote
Nice carve.
burning feetProfileContactLogbookNote
only went for the Warbler today. very pretty stamp
Travel'n TurtleProfileContactLogbookNote
Good clue. Nice stamp.