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A Letterboxing Community

Atlas Quest
Box #9456

Irish Hills (2) Hand-carvedHikeDogBlue DiamondFirst-aid

Irish Hills Open Space, San Luis Obispo, CA
PlantedSeptember 26, 2005
ModifiedAugust 7, 2012
PlantersGreen TortugaProfileContactLogbookNote
OwnerGreen TortugaProfileContactLogbookNote
LocationIrish Hills Open Space, San Luis Obispo, CA
NameStatus Last FoundFindability
1.Celtic Clover
by Green Tortuga
retiredJun 14, 2012impossible
2.Irish Moon
by Green Tortuga
activeJul 7, 2017average

Box Comments

DarkZen and Evil Cow PieProfileContactLogbookNote
Ok, very funny Ryan! I was studying the stamp trying to determine what the heck it was... It only became clear after I stamped it. Nice one.

Great views, great hike. Thanks for luring us up here (again),
I love that this box is almost 10 years old! Beautiful hike and great stamp!
Templeton CAProfileContactLogbookNote
Good hike Cletic Clover the tree has split and I didn't find the box.
Wonderful (and funny) carve, beautiful spot!
Beautiful vista
Celtic clover is in good shape, and Irish moon needs a new logbook. We filled it up! Thanks for the series.
3 wrappateersProfileContactLogbookNote
We just found both of these. It was fun but I must be out of shape.
The Real Little ManProfileContactLogbookNote
great find. and hilarious stamp
DoubleSaj and Old BlueProfileContactLogbookNote
We were at Diane's aunt's for Thanksgiving and did a little boxing too. This is a very fun and Ryan-like little series. Thanks for the fun. It was a beautiful day.

Old Blue