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A Letterboxing Community

Atlas Quest
Box #170292

Alphabetical New Mexico: L (Aldo Leopold) Hand-carvedDrive-byDogBikeBox of the Week

Emory Pass Vista, Kingston, NM
PlantedApril 26, 2011
ModifiedJune 13, 2020
LocationEmory Pass Vista, Kingston, NM
CarversStatus Last FoundF-SummaryFindability
by lionsmane
activeOct 8, 2022ffffffffffgood

Box Comments

Astro DProfileContactLogbookNote
Beautiful spot, great box. Everything in fine shape despite all the rain they had up here this fall (the road washed out!). Thanks for adding to the fun of the day (exploring Silver City).
Happily, this wonderful box was untouched by the wildfire last year. The tree under which it is planted did not burn, but the smaller trees next to it (just upslope) did burn. I got black hands from the soot while I was hunting for the box. Lots and lots of burned areas up there. Thanks!
Agent 86ProfileContactLogbookNote
Incredible stamp! I was blown away both literally and figuratively. Beautiful spot!