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A Letterboxing Community

Atlas Quest
Event #3053

Out Of The Woodwork ParkPotluck

Pepper Grove Balboa Park, San Diego, CA
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Traditional LetterboxNearby
Registered Boxes: All Traditional HH/Cootie/Flea Postal LTC Event Box Traveler Other
StartsSat December 28, 2013 12:00pm
EndsSat December 28, 2013 4:00pm
LocationPepper Grove Balboa Park, San Diego, CA
Add to CalendarGoogle calendar ICS file (e.g. Outlook, iCal, etc.)
Garden in Balboa Park


We can keep using this thread to communicate, rather than bouncing around emails.

We will meet up for a potluck lunch at the Pepper Grove area within Balboa Park in downtown San Diego. Enter at Space Theater Way and turn left into the first parking lot. There are boxes already within Balboa, and plenty of non-boxing things to do there as well for your noxer family members. Pepper Grove has a picnic area and a playground for kids. Feel free to show up early to go boxing with other folks, and just return to meet for lunch around noon.

I want to make the focus of this more of a meet-and-greet for the out-of-town visitors and the SD boxers (new and old) to get to know each other. That's not to say I don't expect folks to go boxing, before and/or after. I don't want to discourage anyone who wants to plant some new boxes in the area, but at the same time I don't want people to feel obligated that new plants are necessary for us to all have a great time together.

Dec 2, 2013: Out of the Woodwork
Wow! A lot more people are coming out of the woodwork for this event! Fantastic!! A potluck sign-up has been added to the event page so please keep that in mind. No categories are specified but please consider what others are already bringing before you sign-up. We want to make this a time where people can meet and talk and have fun together. Weather may be in the 60s (ugh, winter in SoCal) but we'll make the best of it! ; ) Can't wait to see and meet all of you in about four weeks.
Happy Trails!


  1. Kelsung
  2. mom2sage
  3. luv2scrap
  4. deniserows
  5. Puppy Luv
  6. ClueSo
  7. Sassy Sailor (4)
  8. zturtle
  9. Katie
  10. Summerfun
  11. sexy rats (2)
  12. NBA
  13. Irving (2)
  14. Pharmerchick (2)
  15. Clarinet 226 (3)
  16. Temporal Engineer
  17. TheDriver.TheBoxer.andMe (2)
  18. Dezert Ratty
  19. FamilyTreeShaker
  20. leenancytanney (2)
  21. Mas
  22. Desert Flower
  23. Azroadie
  24. Ninjahara
  25. The Children of Time
  26. DoyerDog
Total signups:37