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A Letterboxing Community

Atlas Quest
Box #102886

Mennonites of Ontario - #1 Log Cabin Quilt Block Hand-carvedStrollDogBike

Mill Race Walking Path, St Jacobs, ON
PlantedJanuary 11, 2009
ModifiedNovember 21, 2020
PlantersWater LilyProfileContactLogbookNote
OwnerWater LilyProfileContactLogbookNote
LocationMill Race Walking Path, St Jacobs, ON
CarversStatus Last FoundF-SummaryFindability
by Water Lily
retiredMay 7, 2011ffffffffffffffximpossible

Box Comments

The 2nd bench is missing and the letter box is missing
Another beautiful quilt stamp. This was a great walk...even with all the snow -- and I loved the hiding place.
This was our second find in your series...lovely spot...we've been along this trail many times but who knew something so special was hidden and waiting to be found!
A lovely walk along the river to the box, then lunch at the Stone Crock Restaurant. A slice of heaven.
This block completes our entire quilt! The pleasant walk with the purple phlox was the perfect way to finish off this marvellous series. And an ice cream cone from the Caboose made it even better!
Lone RProfileContactLogbookNote
Beautiful Ground Hog Day (sunny, that means 12 more weeks of winter, right?) for a walk on the Mill Race Trail. There was this most interesting hand plow at the trail entrance - it's there for the community to use. Seemed so appropriate for mennonite country (a human rather than motor-driven snow plow). Someone recently used it to clear the trail so it made the walk extra pleasant. Instructions were excellent so finding the box was not a problem. I was very pleasantly surprised to see that the hitchhiker was still there which also meant that I was the first to find. I'm looking forward to the rest of the quilt squares in this series. I tucked the box way back into the roots (where I found it). Should be safe and sound. Thanks Water Lily!
Lone RProfileContactLogbookNote
Dropped by the box on my way back from finding a cache on the Mill Race (500m away from your letterbox). Your letterbox is safe and sound. There have been a few more finds since WW's visit.