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Atlas Quest
Box #105599

Newburgh 2009 - Box #5 Washington's Headquarters Hand-carvedDrive-byUrban

Washington's Headquarters State Historic Site, 84 Liberty St, Newburgh, NY
PlantedFebruary 11, 2009
ModifiedJuly 28, 2009
PlantersTalking TurtleProfileContactLogbookNote
OwnerTalking TurtleProfileContactLogbookNote
Fostered byFoster me!
LocationWashington's Headquarters State Historic Site, 84 Liberty St, Newburgh, NY
CarversStatus Last FoundF-SummaryFindability
by Talking Turtle
activeNov 28, 2014fffffffffffffffchallenging

Box Comments

I hate stating definitively if a box is missing just because I couldn't find it, but we looked for a while and no find.....
The ShillalaghsProfileContactLogbookNote
Great view of the river!
I had no idea about the history of this town. Beautiful monument and view! Thanks for the history lesson!
I loved all the history here, and the monument was very impressive.
Barefoot HikerProfileContactLogbookNote
Very cool location. Like others have said, we had trouble getting this design to show up, which was a pity.
Such a wonderful historical place. Thanks for the plant. All is well with the box. :)
This was my first Letterbox find, which may explain why I was having difficulty at first. But, once it was found I realized how fun this all is!
A bit hard to be discreet, but a great historical site!
Beautiful grounds. Stopped and sat on the hill looking out over the Hudson for a while relaxing as the pit stop on our trip! Thanks
Team NoTrumpProfileContactLogbookNote
What an interesting place! This is the first NY find for this GA team