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A Letterboxing Community

Atlas Quest
Box #115437

Mennonites of Ontario - #9 Amish Windmill Quilt Block Hand-carvedDrive-byUrban

BSCL - BAG Supplies Canada, 65 Heritage Dr, New Hamburg, ON
PlantedMay 25, 2009
ModifiedApril 5, 2012
PlantersWater LilyProfileContactLogbookNote
OwnerWater LilyProfileContactLogbookNote
LocationBSCL - BAG Supplies Canada, 65 Heritage Dr, New Hamburg, ON
CarversStatus Last FoundF-SummaryFindability
by Water Lily
activeJun 21, 2018fffffffffxaverage

Box Comments

The tree that it was hidden in has been cut down
angel treadsProfileContactLogbookNote
Glad to have this addition to the quilt we started several years ago! Thanks so much.
Treehugger KWProfileContactLogbookNote
Found it in the neighbouring tree... quick easy find..I always love getting creative with the colours on my quilt blocks
Red ChickadeeProfileContactLogbookNote
The yew is gone! We found it's stump... but some nice person moved the stamp to a nearby tree.
Reef DiverProfileContactLogbookNote
Excellent hide! No one was around; we took the box into the car to stamp before re-hiding.
Sir MikielProfileContactLogbookNote
So out in the open, and yet so hidden. These quilt blocks are beautiful.
wasted witchesProfileContactLogbookNote
Nice idea!
The Hound Dog GirlsProfileContactLogbookNote
The store is well worth a visit. Good for christmas shopping.
Another to add to my collection!
we saw some baby bunnies while grabbing this. cute!