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Atlas Quest
Box #157036

The Hawthorne Hand-carvedIndoorsSnowflakeDogBikeUrbanWheelchair

18 Washington Square W, Salem, MA
PlantedOctober 2, 2010
ModifiedNovember 27, 2010
Fostered byFoster me!
Keywordshistorical planterschoice
Location18 Washington Square W, Salem, MA
CarversStatus Last FoundF-SummaryFindability
by Bumble
retiredNov 5, 2010ffffffxximpossible

Box Comments

3 PackProfileContactLogbookNote
Unfortunately, it wasn't there when we went looking. Great location though. It was exciting sneaking up the elevator.
So cool! This was tons of fun. Quick to find, but it was my first INSIDE a building. The employees were all over the lobby because of all the pre-Holloween traffic. I was even shooed away from the elevators and had to sneak in with guests on the way back.

I had found this, went and ate & stamped at the tavern and then returned it. Very cool & the stamp is an exact copy of their crest. Thanks!
Jeepers CreepersProfileContactLogbookNote
Was a cool location and loved how it was indoors!
Wow!!! We loved this plant, great carve too. We felt so sneaky taking the elevator and snooping around. Thanks so much for the fun find! OH and yes - FIRST FINDERS!!! Whoo hoo. :)
