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A Letterboxing Community

Atlas Quest
Box #164272

Literary Cats (5) Hand-carvedIndoorsSnowflakeDogBikeUrbanWheelchair

Hamilton Public Library - Central Library, 55 York Blvd, Hamilton, ON
PlantedFebruary 2, 2011
ModifiedMay 17, 2013
Fostered byFoster me!
LocationHamilton Public Library - Central Library, 55 York Blvd, Hamilton, ON
NameStatus Last FoundF-SummaryFindability
1.The cat who is half kneazle
by Bumble
retiredApr 1, 2011Strikeoutffxxximpossible
2.The cat with the red and white hat
by Bumble
3.The cat who becomes a thief at night
by Bumble
retiredJul 6, 2011fxfxximpossible
4.The cat who knows who he is
by Bumble
retiredFeb 5, 2011Strikeoutfxxximpossible
5.The cat with the memorable grin
by Bumble
retiredMay 7, 2011fffxximpossible

Box Comments

Vivian the VikingProfileContactLogbookNote
Hey Bumble,
This is our second time attempting this series and no luck either time. I think they are all gone. :(
I was sure then I had the clues right, but I could only find the one :( It's a great stamp tho :)
The Ho FamilyProfileContactLogbookNote
The clues are tough! We could only solve two plus the one that was unavailable. We'll keep thinking, and go back another day. The stamps are awesome!
We only found two, but the carves were AMAZING! Not to mention from two of my favourite books!
Loved the theme and the location. Your carvings are looking great! We went next door to the market and bought some apple dumplings to eat before heading home. Thanks for a great outing.