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A Letterboxing Community

Atlas Quest
Box #170225

Sunny Memories Hand-carvedDrive-bySnowflakeDogBikeWheelchair

Guelph, ON
PlantedApril 25, 2011
ModifiedSeptember 24, 2011
Fostered byFoster me!
LocationGuelph, ON
CarversStatus Last FoundF-SummaryFindability
by Bumble
retiredJun 7, 2011fffffxximpossible

Box Comments

RR, THB and I had no joy here. We hunted with no luck, but at least we understand the clue now.
We could not find anything near any posts or poles. Could we be overlooking the right "pillars"?
It was a gorgeous day, with the buds just waiting to explode into green - perfect scenery for a reflection pond.

Now...have to figure out what the stamp and PT all mean...
Lone RProfileContactLogbookNote
Lunch time find for me. Nice drive. I have passed this spot many times and never stopped. Thanks for planting a letterbox here BumbleAlong. Wouldn't it be nice if the county bought the land and put a rest area here?
Nice spot!
Leaving TracksProfileContactLogbookNote
We headed here before school the days after it was planted..and were the first to find. I am not sure why our record of the did not register.