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A Letterboxing Community

Atlas Quest
Box #170943

Small Town Festivals: Winona Peach Festival Hand-carvedDrive-byDogBike

Winona, ON
PlantedMay 8, 2011
ModifiedJuly 3, 2014
Fostered byFoster me!
LocationWinona, ON
CarversStatus Last FoundF-SummaryFindability
by monkeyboys
unknownSep 1, 2011ffffffffxxchallenging

Box Comments

Bon EchoProfileContactLogbookNote
This was our very first LetterBox hunt, and it ended as I thought it would (based on previous comments). The "log" building close to the road is gone, and so is the box. Take a look at Google Street View, and compare the image taken May 2014 to one recorded in June 2012 and you will see the building near Barton Street has been replaced. Sorry for the bad news.
Hopefully I am completing this log entry correctly.
found the log house......but.....
there were no trees and no sign no railway ties
did you move it?
cheers mmmtika
We struck out trying to get this box today. Seems like there has been some re-modelling around the log hut, no shrubs or signage to be found.
Lone RProfileContactLogbookNote
Nice one monkeyboys. I'm enjoying your Festivals boxes. Thanks. :) A beautiful summer day to be visiting Winona Park.
Cute carve. We look forward to finding more in this series.
The Ho FamilyProfileContactLogbookNote
We took our "Flat Stanley" for a little bit of letterboxing today and found this nice spot. Much quieter today than during the festival, that's for sure. Looking forward to those peach sundaes in August!
Nice area. Cute stamp.
Yet another great box in a cute series - keep it up! Also: found out that I'm allergic to juniper...