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Atlas Quest
Box #177653

Hollywood Forever; Fay Wray Hand-carvedDrive-bySnowflakeBikeUrbanFirst-aid

Hollywood Forever, 6000 Santa Monica Blvd, Hollywood, CA
PlantedJuly 18, 2007
ModifiedApril 8, 2021
What whatProfileContactLogbookNote
OwnerWhat whatProfileContactLogbookNote
LocationHollywood Forever, 6000 Santa Monica Blvd, Hollywood, CA
CarversStatus Last FoundF-SummaryFindability
by 4sheppards
activeMar 24, 2019ffffffffxxchallenging

Box Comments

Couldn't find it either but were a lot of people around so didnt look super hard.
I couldn't find it, but I also had a very limited amount of time. I may just have missed it.
Creeping DeathProfileContactLogbookNote
We looked several times very thoroughly and it's missing
LOVED the location of this box. I enjoyed sitting there stamping in with the beautiful view and the Hollywood sign looking down on me. Great clues and a great box. Thank you!!
A little tricky to find because Fay Wray’s bench is covered by a Weeping Willow tree, but once I found it, it was pretty easy because of the clues.

One of the clips that keeps the box closed broke off so the lid is on loosely. It’s wrapped up pretty good but should be replaced.
Great spot, thanks!
The Sparkill TrioProfileContactLogbookNote
Found her just in time. The caretaker came along and asked us to leave cause they were closing.
Traveling Queen Of HeartsProfileContactLogbookNote
Great stamp. Logbook is full.
SoCal Ramblin FamProfileContactLogbookNote
Great stamp and so appropriate to Fay Wray. Loved the clues. Logbook is full.
Thanks for saving this box, what what! Great hiding spot and carve. It is almost out of logbook space, however; there were a few loose pieces of paper on which to stamp, but those are filling up fast.