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A Letterboxing Community

Atlas Quest
Box #179381

Cemetery series - St Joseph's Cemetery Hand-carvedDrive-by

Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic High School, 54 Westmount Rd, Guelph, ON
PlantedAugust 23, 2011
ModifiedApril 6, 2020
PlantersLone RProfileContactLogbookNote
OwnerLone RProfileContactLogbookNote
Fostered byFoster me!
Keywordshistorical cemetery
LocationOur Lady of Lourdes Catholic High School, 54 Westmount Rd, Guelph, ON
CarversStatus Last FoundF-SummaryFindability
by Lone R
activeSep 5, 2020ffffxFfffxaverage

Box Comments

Well I was hopeful, but after finally finding last clue there was no Hollow log against what I assume was interpreted as "Birch trees" which are Popular trees. No log Hollow or otherwise. I did fan out along the Swamp abut 75 meters in either direction, but no LB that I could see.
Another DNF!
Have added a maintenance request as last find was almost 5 years ago.
Kruegers on the CaseProfileContactLogbookNote
Clues were very accurate. Guelph has got some beautiful green spaces!
Leaf of AwesomeProfileContactLogbookNote
Beautiful cemetery and wonderful carve. Thank you!!
Lone RProfileContactLogbookNote
Got a message from Team Garth that they found the hollow log with the letterbox and returned it to its proper spot. Paid a visit today and yes it was there and in great shape! :) So I've re-activated this letterbox. Thank you Team Garth!
Lone RProfileContactLogbookNote
It has disappeared along with the hollow log it was in. :( Thank you symbol for logging a 'did not find' and alerting me.
Lone RProfileContactLogbookNote
Thanks for the report symbol. I will go have a look as soon as I can. In the meantime I'll mark it as unavailable.
Directions are good, box seems to be missing. Apologies if this isn't the case and I just managed to overlook it.
angel treadsProfileContactLogbookNote
Always great to find a Lone R box on one of our visits. Thanks!
Stamp is doing great! Thanks!
Tree spottingProfileContactLogbookNote
Great hiding spot, the box is well protected and in good shape.