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A Letterboxing Community

Atlas Quest
Box #197488

Whistle Pig Hand-carvedStrollCompassBlue DiamondFirst-aid

Hog Lake Plateau, Red Bluff, CA
PlantedMay 18, 2012
ModifiedMay 18, 2012
LocationHog Lake Plateau, Red Bluff, CA
CarversStatus Last FoundF-SummaryFindability
by thunderbird
activeOct 21, 2021fffffffffffffffaverage

Box Comments

Angel WinksProfileContactLogbookNote
Box was smashed and all I gad was a heavy duty plastic bag. I put it in there and turned the box upside down and covered it well. Wonderful carve!
MO UR4MeProfileContactLogbookNote
I don't want to mark this as an attempt because we may not have chosen the correct last, large rock. But any we could have chosen would take us to the same general area and we checked out all the trees in that vicinity.
MO UR4MeProfileContactLogbookNote
I'm not logging this as an attempt because we may not have started at the correct "last large rock", but most potential rocks led us to the same area and we checked out all the trees nearby. The most likely had an area of recent digging at the base.
Star HerdersProfileContactLogbookNote
Out letterboxing with Kendal Marie, a co-dog-scout and letterboxer/geocacher, yesterday (2/21/15) at Hog Lake. I am bad about dates and actually signed all the logs 2/22!

This was our first time here. We ran out of steam before we found them all, have to come back.

The "Theme Park" is a great idea for letterboxes!

I had a great day! I think the "Star" had a good day too! The wind blew a steady 30mph most of the time (trying to steal my papers with clues!), but it wasn't too hot or too cold. Didn't see any snakes, but the "Star" saw a lizard and some furry ground rodent. Plus he got to say "ARF" to a couple bovine. Being a well-trained (ball)herder, he didn't try to herd them:)

Sure glad we didn't do this in the summer!

Nice Stamp!
Everything is fine with the box. Super cute carve!
Love the fun story - great inspiration for this area.
Nice carve-thanks
Annie MProfileContactLogbookNote
Very effective carving style!
Nice job.
AFD 13ProfileContactLogbookNote
nice carving and what a nice time we had searching.
Public HandProfileContactLogbookNote
We love this carve!