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A Letterboxing Community

Atlas Quest
Box #198712

Osprey Hand-carvedStrollSnowflakeDogBike

Guelph Lake Sportsfields Park, 633 Woodlawn Ave E, Guelph, ON
PlantedMay 30, 2012
ModifiedAugust 21, 2012
LocationGuelph Lake Sportsfields Park, 633 Woodlawn Ave E, Guelph, ON
CarversStatus Last FoundF-SummaryFindability
by canadianboo1412
activeOct 17, 2013ffffffxfffffchallenging

Box Comments

Unsuccessful attempt to find this box. Is it still maintained and in it's spot? I'm not giving up just yet!
Treehugger KWProfileContactLogbookNote
Didn't know this park was here... lots of seagulls but no osprey today...nice stamp:))
Leav'n TraxProfileContactLogbookNote
The nest made it though the winter. No one was home but we were treated to a fly by with a fish in the talons.... so appropriate!
Yipee...first letterbox in the Spring of 2013...wet dog, wet kids but Happy Easter find!
The NolsterProfileContactLogbookNote
Our family went searching for this one today with no luck....based on how you read the clues, there could be 3 possible woods to search (depending on how you read 'put your right shoulder on the post'). We searched all three wooded areas to no avail. No problem finding 'Heads Up' though. The osprey nest was amazing! Two ospreys were there today...boy were they loud! Even though we were unsuccessful in our search, it was worth it to see the birds!
The NolsterProfileContactLogbookNote
Finally found! I am definitely blaming my husband for not finding this the first time. Not sure why we didn't see the first time....on return it was easy peasy (and I had 3 kids with me!)
Lone RProfileContactLogbookNote
Lunchtime visit. Quiet in the park. Nice osprey nest (didn't see the osprey - probably out hunting for fish). Nice carved stamp. Thanks canadianboo1412.
What a great location! While Mmmtika went looking for it I ran decoy with the guy cutting the grass right beside us.
I saw the nest...the osprey was
on the way to the woods it was circling above our heads....I was wondering if it might dive bomb
cool experience....thanks cb
Great letterbox - I love ospreys and that nest is the most exposed one I've ever seen!