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A Letterboxing Community

Atlas Quest
Box #41911

Acting Like an Idiom Hand-carvedStrollDog

25 Woodland Glen Dr, Guelph, ON
PlantedMay 24, 2007
ModifiedSeptember 8, 2009
Location25 Woodland Glen Dr, Guelph, ON
CarversStatus Last FoundF-SummaryFindability
by Fiddleheads
activeAug 15, 2020fffffffffffffffaverage

Box Comments

Leaf of AwesomeProfileContactLogbookNote
Great location! The landmarks are all very clear. However, we miscounted the steps and ended up spending a few hours looking through all of the rock piles in the area!! We did eventually find the box, and a Letterbox well-looked for makes for the most satisfying find! We picked up the HH as well. Thanks for the awesome carve!!
I'd never been on these trails before. They're wonderful and we spent quite a while exploring the area after we'd found the box.
We couldn't see all five trails described at the beginning of the clue, but the one running perpendicular to the road is still very apparent. The landmarks along the way were extremely helpful in confirming that we were on the right track.
We weren't too sure we'd actually found the G_____ing mentioned in the clue, but looking ahead to the next few landmarks helped. The "two-for-one tree" with its cedar log arrow is still very apparent.
Took the HH we found inside and left another behind.
Lone RProfileContactLogbookNote
Hey it's still there! :)
I was walking past the area and wondered if your LB was still there after all of these years. I had to dig down about 3 inches, remove a couple of rocks along the way, then ta da! it was revealed. That authentic Lock & Lock is doing an amazing job of keeping the contents in good shape. The stamp is still there and in good shape. Even the pencil is still there. There's a hitchhiker inside, but I didn't retrieve it because I don't have any near-future plans to go letterboxing.
Bon EchoProfileContactLogbookNote
Found all the landmarks until the "miniature triangular G___________ing", after that I could not match the clues to the location. Went back to the F_________ to try again and came to the same place. Rooted around in several possible spots until I was out of time. Hope it's still there.
After much searching, re-stepping, and digging around we found it! Box is well hidden and all is well!
No StyleProfileContactLogbookNote
Forgot to log this one. Box is still alive and well. It was so well hidden, in fact I thought I was in the wrong spot at first, but I just had to dig a little deeper under the leaves. Pretty frequented area too, tons of dog walkers and wanderers around. Super cute stamp.
We tried searching for this before, after a flash freezing, but finally found it today. There was a sandwich bag out in the open and a wrapper in with the box, but everything was intact and we tried to cover it up as best we could. The stamp was so cute I stamped it several times.
Cute box - finding the path into the woods was a little tricky as I think the area is probably a lot more overgrown than before - still found it. Love that hungry tree! Also, it looks like some rock balancers have been at work in them thar woods - a magical sight unto itself ;)
What fun this find was...we loved the clues and the walk to this great stamp.
A beautiful, peaceful spot and another great carving.