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A Letterboxing Community

Atlas Quest
Box #42233

The Urban Forestry Stamps (21) Hand-carvedHikeDogBike

Urban Forestry Center, 45 Elwyn Rd, Portsmouth, NH
PlantedMay 24, 2007
ModifiedApril 8, 2010
LocationUrban Forestry Center, 45 Elwyn Rd, Portsmouth, NH
NameStatus Last FoundF-SummaryFindability
1.Box #1 Big Tooth Aspen
by littlmoon
retiredSep 10, 2011ffffffffffimpossible
2.Box #2 Northern Red Oak
by littlmoon
retiredApr 29, 2012ffffffffffimpossible
3.Box #3 White Ash
by littlmoon
retiredAug 16, 2009Strikeoutxxxxxxxxxximpossible
4.Box #4 Hop Hornbeam
by littlmoon
retiredNov 7, 2011ffffffffffimpossible
5.Box #5 American Basswood
by littlmoon
retiredSep 15, 2009Strikeoutffffxxxxxximpossible
6.Box #6 Black Birch
by littlmoon
retiredJul 28, 2010ffffffxffximpossible
7.Box #7 American Beech
by littlmoon
retiredAug 16, 2009Strikeoutxxxxxxxxxximpossible
8.Box #8 Eastern Hemlock
by littlmoon
retiredAug 16, 2009Strikeoutxxxxxxxxxximpossible
9.Box #9 Eastern White Pine
by littlmoon
retiredNov 7, 2011ffffffffffimpossible
10.Box #10 American Elm
by littlmoon
retiredJun 30, 2009Strikeoutxxxxxxxxxximpossible
11.Box #11 White Oak
by littlmoon
retiredNov 7, 2011ffffffffffimpossible
12.Box #12 Shagbark Hickory
by littlmoon
retiredNov 7, 2011ffffffffffimpossible
13.Box #13 Paper Birch
by littlmoon
retiredNov 7, 2011ffffffffffimpossible
14.Box #14 Red Maple
by littlmoon
retiredJul 28, 2010fffffffffximpossible
15.Box #15 Common Apple
by littlmoon
retiredJun 30, 2009Strikeoutxxxxxxxxxximpossible
16.Box #16 Black Cherry
by littlmoon
retiredJul 7, 2007Strikeoutxxxxxxxxxxxxxxximpossible
17.Box #17 Quaking Aspen
by littlmoon
retiredJun 30, 2009Strikeoutxxxxxxxxxximpossible
18.Box #18 Red Pine
by littlmoon
retiredJun 30, 2009Strikeoutxxxxxxxxxximpossible
19.Box #19 Blue Spruce
by littlmoon
retiredSep 13, 2009Strikeoutffffxxxxxximpossible
20.Box #20 White Spruce
by littlmoon
retiredSep 13, 2009Strikeoutffffxxxxxximpossible
21.Box #21 The Bonus box
by littlmoon
retiredNov 10, 2009Strikeoutfffffffxxximpossible

Box Comments

resting owlProfileContactLogbookNote
Found some of the letterboxes, some were not there. The sign in journal at the end of the trail was no where to be found.
HORROR FANProfileContactLogbookNote
  1. 6 has two stamps in it? was this a two stamper?

Also # 9 has two as well?
Thank you so much for putting this thoughtful adventure together! We are so sorry that so many of your boxes have gone missing. We were thrilled to find 8 of them! The stamps are AMAZING! :)
Though your boxes had been removed, the adventure was worth it!! :)
This is an exceptionally well done series with lovely carved stamps. Thank you.
We could not get a leaf ID chart, but did have a tree book with us. Love the fact that this series draws your attention to nature and trees.
It is sad that so many boxes have gone missing. We plan to go back and walk this trail when the leaves are back on the trees.
zess the treehuggersProfileContactLogbookNote
SUCH a great series!! I love the learning adventure. Too bad it is such a victim of disappearing boxes.
This is a great little hike with views of salt marsh and a fascinating botanical tour of the forest. We loved all the boxes we could find!!
Hopeful HeartProfileContactLogbookNote
Great series! and a BEAUTIFUL walk.
about half of those I found were laying out in the open (some baggies were even 10 feet from their box!) and one was missing the box entirely :(
Stopped at each spot and searched around to see if even the 'missing' ones were lost somewhere nearby. Sad to see that so many have been tampered with...
Sadly a number of the boxes seem to be missing. It's a great place though.
Fun series! Thanks!