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A Letterboxing Community

Atlas Quest
Box #4463

Little Ladybug Hand-carvedDogUrban

Eagle, ID
PlantedSeptember 12, 2004
ModifiedJune 30, 2012
LocationEagle, ID
CarversStatus Last FoundF-SummaryFindability
by Blackvelvetrav
activeSep 29, 2024ffffffffffgood

Box Comments

Due to environmental changes I had to walk a few steps further and come in from the other side of tree and balance across some small logs, but everything was in good shape!!
Kurious JoProfileContactLogbookNote
So this box is pretty happy. It obviously got a drowning but everything inside was dry!!
Sadly, the landscaping leading to this box has become virtually impassable. The rise of the Boise River has led to several downed branches which blocks access at the very last stages. Also, at the detriment to my hand, a nest of bees has taken up residence just above the box. Was unable to retrieve.
Bird Lady of BoiseProfileContactLogbookNote
Beautiful day for letterboxing. The box is still there, however, several tree limbs have fallen around it and involves climbing over and around them to get to it.
Good clues! I didn't see the nesting box until on my way back. The tree on this side of the island shields it from view. Good thing I know your step size now.
Worth wading through a sea of mosquitos. Thanks.
LOVED the location on this one!! :) Really enjoyed the scenery along the way!
Pooh BeeProfileContactLogbookNote
One of the most precious stamps ever! Watch out for flying termites!
Birds on a WireProfileContactLogbookNote
Made sure we had our 'boxing stuff with us when we were out today. We ended up by this one again and had everything with us this time. Nice re-carve! (And it was much easier to get the box in/out of this hiding spot.) :)