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A Letterboxing Community

Atlas Quest
Box #50520

Niagara Escarpment Series - #2 Bognor Marsh Management Area (2) Hand-carvedWalkDog

Bognor Marsh Management Area, Owen Sound, ON
PlantedAugust 8, 2007
ModifiedApril 9, 2012
PlantersWater LilyProfileContactLogbookNote
OwnerWater LilyProfileContactLogbookNote
LocationBognor Marsh Management Area, Owen Sound, ON
NameStatus Last FoundF-SummaryFindability
1.i. "Soaring with the Turkeys"
by Water Lily
activeOct 12, 2014ffFffffaverage
2.ii. "Singin' with the Blackbirds"
by Water Lily
activeOct 12, 2014ffFfffffaverage

Box Comments

Star HexenProfileContactLogbookNote
Amazing!! I can't believe these boxes were still there after all this time. The hike to "Soaring" was a little intense, but satisfying. As we walked along, the trail was pretty wet - lots of pools of water literally swimming with frogs. The boardwalk tour of the wetland was pretty fascinating, too. Thanks for bringing us here to such an interesting park on such a beaut of a day.
Treehugger KWProfileContactLogbookNote
A little tricky to find as we were hiking the opposite direction of the clues. Missed 'Soaring With The Turkeys' but got lucky with the Blackbirds. Haha... my hiking friends were intrigued that there was a box hidden in the middle of the marsh.
We found the first Letterbox on an earlier excursion to the Bognor Marsh. Today, we were checking on two of our geocaches, so we decided to stamp-in at the Soaring with Turkeys Letterbox. Great spot! Interesting that our Bognor Marsh Multi-cache involves using the plaques from the boardwalk to take you to a location up on the escarpment where you can look back down to the marsh, and these two Letterboxes take you to the same areas! Guess we had similar ideas! Thanks for another great adventure!
Our first Letterbox find from this owner. Extremely impressed by the quality of the stamp! Bognor Marsh is a favourite place of ours, and we've also got a cache hidden there. TFTLB!
Water LilyProfileContactLogbookNote
Made a trip out to Bognor yesterday and replaced the "Singin' Stamp that went missing in high floodwaters this spring. All is back in order and active again.
Lotsa froggies on the walk!!
Water LilyProfileContactLogbookNote
The marsh is flooded and the boardwalk has floated away. No sign of the box. I will recarve and rehide as soon as possible.
Lone RProfileContactLogbookNote
After Harrison Park, I drove over for some adventure at Bognor Marsh. Did the "Soaring with the Turkeys" first - quite the exercise for me. I was amazed with the number of frogs. There must have been 1000s. Along the route where a truck had driven through there were many mini ponds in the tire track ruts. Every step I took sent at least 10 frogs at a time diving for cover into these large puddles. Took at water break once I got to the top. The box was very well hidden and in great shape. I was the first finder. Next I backtracked to the washroom and went over to the boardwalk. I really liked the boardwalk. Peaceful (no deerflies or mosquitos here - glad they don't like marshes for some reason). Lots of dragonflies and barn swallows. Saw an interesting artificial tube nest which I read from one of the signs is a mallard duck nest. Never saw a man-made mallard duck nest before. Found the box quickly and enjoyed the black & red bird theme. Thanks for the strenous exercise followed by a peaceful stroll on the marsh.