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A Letterboxing Community

Atlas Quest
Box #5966

Little Tract Letterbox Hand-carvedStrollSnowflakeDogCompassBike

Little Tract, 6710 Wellington County Rd 34, Cambridge, ON
PlantedMay 1, 2005
ModifiedDecember 3, 2016
PlantersLone RProfileContactLogbookNote
OwnerLone RProfileContactLogbookNote
Fostered byFoster me!
LocationLittle Tract, 6710 Wellington County Rd 34, Cambridge, ON
CarversStatus Last FoundF-SummaryFindability
by Lone R
retiredOct 18, 2013ffffffffffimpossible

Box Comments

Tried looking for this box, looked everywhere...clue was a little difficult to follow. Maybe because it is winter, but I couldn't find it. Hoping to try again when the snow is gone.
No StyleProfileContactLogbookNote
cute little forest, the leaves made the trails confusing. Never found the no trespassing sign, but located the box nonetheless. Thanks :)
No StyleProfileContactLogbookNote
cute little forest, the leaves made the trails confusing. Never found the no trespassing sign, but located the box nonetheless. Thanks :)
Great stamp :-)
So much fun finding this having to bring out the compass!! Thanks :)
This was the first box of today's outing. We saw lots of people and dogs on the trails. Some parts of the trail (especially on the hills) were quite icy and Mr. Funkymonkey went down one of the hills on his behind. We found the box easily although there was someone out in the field curiously watching us. We waited her out. Very nice stamp, representing the location. Thank you for the letterbox.
Star HexenProfileContactLogbookNote
I think this is one of the oldest letterboxes I've ever found... The clues were good. We smelled the farm before we actually saw it :) The snow really started to come down as we walked and it was a bit slippery - I slid down at least one incline... Still, this is a pretty area and it made for a nice winter's walk. Thanks, Lone R!
Catching up on old unlogged finds
Fantastic carve - the box was really quite exposed when I arrived, covered it well before I left.
Awesome stamp!! Beautiful area....but yes, heed the advice about bug spray. The mosquitoes were so thick, I thought they might carry me out! :) Thanks.