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Atlas Quest
Box #61982

Atlas Ballground Series (2) Hand-carvedDrive-byDog

Pleasant St, Fairhaven, MA
PlantedDecember 9, 2007
ModifiedMarch 17, 2016
Planterstale spinnerProfileContactLogbookNote
Ownertale spinnerProfileContactLogbookNote
LocationPleasant St, Fairhaven, MA
NameStatus Last FoundF-SummaryFindability
1.Box #1, Home Plate
by tale spinner
retiredNov 29, 2015fffffffffffffffimpossible
2.Box #2, The Scoreboard
by tale spinner
retiredNov 29, 2015ffffffffffffimpossible

Box Comments

Camp TerrenziProfileContactLogbookNote
Home plate box was very wet inside. The notebook is soaked. Was not hidden when we found it. It was laying on the ground. Interesting story had no idea it was a ball park.
Interesting story. So sad to see the abandoned ball area and the factory in that condition.
The Mad DoctorsProfileContactLogbookNote
great story and stamps. I was a delivery boy in Fairhaven in the early-80's through mid-90s, and drove by this spot many times. I do not think I ever noticed the field. Thanks for planting.
my family thought this one was very cool. the story behind it was nice, and if you follow the directions to a "t" you will have no problems.. have fun!!!
My sister said her husband would cry if he saw the overgrown ballfield. Box in good condition