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A Letterboxing Community

Atlas Quest
Box #90141

Nikola Tesla Hand-carvedStrollDogBikeUrban

Queen Victoria Park, 6345 Niagara River Pkwy, Niagara Falls, ON
PlantedSeptember 4, 2008
ModifiedAugust 30, 2011
LocationQueen Victoria Park, 6345 Niagara River Pkwy, Niagara Falls, ON
CarversStatus Last FoundF-SummaryFindability
by Kenlaur
unknownAug 23, 2018Strikeoutfffffffxxxchallenging

Box Comments

Curley QProfileContactLogbookNote
Dug all around under the rocks but could not find it
Wormy WanderersProfileContactLogbookNote
Our first international find! Thanks for planting!
Ralph SpoilsportProfileContactLogbookNote
My first international find!!! Thanks for the fun hunt!!!!
The Thompson WhangdoodlesProfileContactLogbookNote
This was our first international box! Found on our way to Michigan to drop Whangdoodle A off at college! Catching up on our logbook.
The NewlywedsProfileContactLogbookNote
Stamped into this one while we watch the fireworks over the falls. Excellent spot!
Stealth was needed for sure. Box is well.
WOWzers this place is a madhouse! Stealthyness is a must, but luckily most people are looking at that other 'minor' attraction on the other side of the street! LOL Thanks for the fun find!
The Ziegler ClanProfileContactLogbookNote
Great stamp. Everything is in good shape.
Seemed like we walked forever to find him but we finally did. We did mistakenly stop at the King George statue first and start looking around for the box, until we finally went up to the statue and saw we had the wrong guy! Box still in good shape.
Nice spot. All is fine. Thanks