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A Letterboxing Community

Atlas Quest
Event #1057

Holiday Time Meet & Greet Restaurant

2701 Pacific Coast Hwy, Hermosa Beach, CA
Join event
Traditional LetterboxNearby
Registered Boxes: All Traditional HH/Cootie/Flea Postal LTC Event Box Traveler Other
StartsSun December 21, 2008 11:30am
EndsSun December 21, 2008 2:30pm
OwnerPiper PawsProfileContactLogbookNote
AdminsPiper Paws
Location2701 Pacific Coast Hwy, Hermosa Beach, CA
Add to CalendarGoogle calendar ICS file (e.g. Outlook, iCal, etc.)


The PB&J gang from Olympia, Washington are coming to Southern California to celebrate the holidays. Exchanges, personal travelers, hijinx, etc. are encouraged!

We'll meet for lunch at the Round Table Pizza on PCH in Hermosa Beach. I noticed that you can sign up on Round Table's website to get a coupon for pizza if you are so inclined.

Round Table Pizza
2701 Pacific Coast Highway
Hermosa Beach, CA 90254


  1. Piper Paws (3)
  2. PBandJ (4)
  3. GeoGeorgia
  4. BumblebeeBunny
  5. Don and Gwen (2)
  6. Kelsung (3)
  7. Holleys Follies (3)
  8. BuffaloTony
  9. Maule
  10. GeishaGirl (2)
  11. Tdyans
  12. CaliforniaBear
  13. PeterK
  14. leenancytanney (2)
  15. Eulalia (2)
  16. cricketts (2)
  17. LilRainDrop
  18. Dezert Ratty (2)
  19. plurple
  20. Gerwaiian Oma (2)
  21. Zuhl is cool
Total signups:37