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A Letterboxing Community

Atlas Quest
Event #1147

Spy vs Spy ParkFee-areaPotluckPet-friendly

Galena Creek Regional Park, 18350 Mt Rose Hwy, Reno, NV
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Traditional LetterboxNearby
Registered Boxes: All Traditional HH/Cootie/Flea Postal LTC Event Box Traveler Other
StartsSat June 13, 2009 10:30am
EndsSat June 13, 2009 5:00pm
OwnerCaptain Slick KittyProfileContactLogbookNote
AdminsCaptain Slick Kitty
LocationGalena Creek Regional Park, 18350 Mt Rose Hwy, Reno, NV
Add to CalendarGoogle calendar ICS file (e.g. Outlook, iCal, etc.)
The Spy!


Are you a Master Spy


will your poor SPY skills get you "caught" or "hung as a Traitor"?

We shall see . . . .

We shall see . . .

If intrigued and you have a score to settle then come, for a friendly little game of SPY versus SPY Event.

The GAME: SPY versus SPY
The Event Date: June 13 of 2009
Where: Reno, NV

You, the Spy:
You are a spy. You steal. You lie. You live in the shadows. You sleep in “safe houses”. You do all of this in the name of the country that pays you the most. You are dishonorable. You have no alliances. And you never know when you’ll breathe your last breath.

Your Mission~ should you choose to accept: Obtain the necessary 5 stamps on your playing paper. Then make it to your embassy before you get “Caught” or hung as a “Traitor”.

First Team that makes it’s to their embassy with the 5 stamp images, before being caught or being hung as a traitor, WINS!

How: These stamps will be hidden in “false” letter boxes intertwined with real letterboxes. You will be given a list of 18 boxes. 14 of these boxes will be “real” letterboxes. 4 boxes will be “false“ boxes. In these false boxes will be four of the needed stamps for your playing paper. You must CHOOSE WISELY.

5th Stamp? Good question. Glad you are paying attention. The 5th box will be on the bastardly MOLE. He/She can be anyone . . . ANYONE (maybe even you). To obtain the 5th stamp you must approach people, giving them the “code word”. If She/He is the mole, he will give you the stamp. If She/he is not the mole, I am sure the blank look will be obvious.

Getting CAUGHT or being hung as a TRAITOR: Both of these are bad. Very bad. No good spy would ever do both. However, somehow, someway, the competition must be eliminated! Two randomly chosen people at the start of the game will be given one stamp that reads “caught” and the other a stamp that reads “traitor”.

Who ever has these stamps in their possession can approach you and guess what country you are from. They will write down their guess on your paper and sign their name. If they guess right, they stamp this stamp on your playing paper and you are officially out of the game. (However, please continue letterboxing, as this is a letterboxing event, and you mostly definitely can still letterbox.) If he is wrong, he gives you the stamp and you go your merrily spy ways. You then take the stamp and approach someone else. You take your guess. If you are right, they are out. If you are wrong, then you pass the stamp on to them. And they take it someone else, who approaches someone, and it goes on.

On the playing paper, there will a spot for you to be asked TWICE what country you are from. So, you have two chances of being knocked out of the game by your competition.

Country? You will be assigned a country. You will either spy for America, France, Germany, Italy, Russia, or Spain. Never reveal your country! That will get you caught or hung as a traitor.

Teams: This is a friendly competition, but a competition no less. Teams can be 1 person to 4 people. You must have a team name, a team leader, and you must all wear “something” that makes you a team. Same Yankee hat, same Nancy Drew pin, same T-shirt. Whatever, it’s up to you. Go Team Spirit! I would encourage teams who are less than 4 to acquire others. That way, more people can participate.

We are asking for donations of $10.00 from each team. We are asking that all donations be sent in by April 1, 2009. We rented the spot for this game. The donation will go towards this cost.

Quick, Easy, Painless Rules:
No cheating! Cheaters will be “hung out to dry” and it won’t be pretty!
Don’t remove Lbs or the stamps . . . that’s just like cheating!
Teams stick together. No splitting, no dividing, no you go that way, I’ll go that way. United you play, united you fall!
And teams probably should not have anyone younger than 10 but that's up to you. You don’t want anyone holding up the team.

TIPS! To Insure Progress~SPIES!!!!!
Observe everything, presume nothing, trust no one . . .
A good spy knows details about real people like George Washington, fictional people like Sherlock Holmes and their personal idols like James Bond. A little research may get you a box or two. . . . .
Practice false occupations . . . You never know when a talent may be called upon and you gotta sing it~ I mean wing it!
Don’t take getting “Caught” or hung as a “traitor” personally. It’s a just a game. But you can continue looking for boxes just the same. And there’s always the potential of next year . . .
When it comes to the MOLE Discretion is key here! If you tip off others that “so and so” is the mole, they will flock to the mole and that needed stamp!
  • Discretion! Discretion! Discretion!

And the all Essential Potluck:
Every body will be ask to bring some. Please no arsenic! This a friendly competition. (Will provide a list for items to bring later.)


10:30 am-11:
Signing in
Size up the competition.
Observe everything. Take mental notes. (Is there a back way out, in case your entry is blocked?)
Is he the mole? Is the kitty the mole? Am I the mole? (Wait, there’s a mole!)

11 - 11:10 Sharp!
Rules of the Game
Ask your questions, if you have one! (Don’t be shy. I will tell you but then I may have to kill you.)
Get your playing sheet, directions, and assigned country . . . And off you go!

11- 1:00
The GAME is on!

1- 1:30
Open Lunch. Picnic style! When you want, you come to pic and to nic!
Check for any winners. If so, winning ceremony

1:30 - 5
If no winners, the GAME is on, until there is a winner.
Open for Exchanges and Personal Travelers
Event Stamp
Thank yous.

Accepting this mission:

Unless my enemies get to me first, on Tuesday, February 17, I will post this under the event section of Atlas Quest at 7 pm (PST)! From the moment this event is posted, we will start accepting team sign ups. This is a teams only event. This game is designed for eleven teams. And no more.

When you sign up, you must AQ mail me your team name, team leader and names of the rest of your team members.* I will list your teams on this event listing and it will serve as a count off.

First come, first play!

Hesitate and you might not make it . . . .

  • If you don’t want to reveal your team members to the public, I will place an X instead of their name.. However, as hosts, we reserve the right to know the names of your members~therefore you must provide them to us.

Team #1
Team Name: The Four Swords of Southern California

Team Leader: BuffaloTony
Team Member 2: Maule
Team Member 3: Kelsung
Team Member 4: Zuhl Is Cool

unoficial mascot: Atlas the Letterboxing Dog

Team #2
Team: The FABS
Leader: Rhea of The Gillespie Tribe (aka Amber)
Members: Grumpy Grinches (2) and The Gillespie Tribe (2)
(Thank you for your donation!)

Team #3
Team Name: The Badenovs
wassamatta u
Monkey Me
Happy Papaya
Contessa Ennui

Team #4
Team Control
Team Captain is 99 = Daneen
Other members:
Max = Brian
Chief = Eldest son
Laraby = Youngest son
(Thank you for your donation!)

Team #5
Unicorn Power!
Eclipse Tuliphead
Ghost Girl
(Thank you for your donation!)

Team #6
Team Chuck
Old Blue
Green Tortuga
Amanda from Seattle
(Thank you for your donation!)

Team #7
team name is orbs,
team leader is Maggie and George from fleetwood7
other team members are porsche356 pam and alan
sweetbasil greg and lee
(Thank you for your donation!)

Team #8
Janes Bond
Princess Lea
(Thank you for your donation!)

Team #9
Team: V.F.D.

Team Members:
The Baudelaires (the salad tongs, 2 adults, 3 kids)
(Thank you for your donation.)

Team #10
Still Open to any Team

Team #11
Still Open to Any Team


  1. Captain Slick Kitty (10)
  2. wassamatta u (4)
  3. fleetwood7 (6)
  4. DoubleSaj and Old Blue (4)
  5. The 4 Splinters (4)
  6. The Gillespie Tribe (2)
  7. Eclipse Tuliphead (3)
  8. Princess Lea (2)
  9. Grumpy Grinch (2)
  10. salad tongs (5)
  11. Pi
  12. Green Tortuga
  13. Contessa Ennui
  14. Amanda from Seattle
Total signups:46