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Atlas Quest
Event #1824

Hallowed Grounds Tour 2010: Digging Up the Dead (Boxes) RestaurantFee-areaBox-friendly

115 W Center St, Medina, NY
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Traditional LetterboxNearby
Registered Boxes: All Traditional HH/Cootie/Flea Postal LTC Event Box Traveler Other
StartsSat October 23, 2010 2:00pm
EndsSat October 23, 2010 6:00pm
OwnerSprite and HighlanderProfileContactLogbookNote
AdminsSprite and Highlander
Location115 W Center St, Medina, NY
Add to CalendarGoogle calendar ICS file (e.g. Outlook, iCal, etc.)


This event has changed quite a bit...check below for details!

Some important details prior to your trip:

· With the exception of the event stamp (which will ONLY be around that weekend), all these boxes are permanent placements, so don’t worry if you can’t get them all in one weekend…you’ve got the rest of your life (or until the muggles find them, whichever comes first!)
· On that note, be sure to look around carefully, since even out in the sticks where many of these stamps are, there are farmhouses that can see RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE! We recommend carrying a camera or camera phone of some sort (or paper so you look like you’re doing tombstone rubbings). Tell any muggles that you’re following a “Cemeteries of Erie County” tour instead of boxing.
· The boxes are usually just the stamps on about an inch square piece of pink carving material in ziploc baggies or pill bottles, so don’t look for anything big (or even a logbook until you reach the gathering location).

Oct 4, 2010: Hallowed Grounds Tour Cancelled (sort of)
Well, I didn't think it'd come to this, but we're going to have to call this year's Hallowed Grounds Tour a wash. We can't seem to get the funds together to get the stamps placed or even check out the cemeteries this year, so rather than give you less than stellar stuff, we're going to cancel (at least, the new Erie County stamps part).

Instead, if folks still want to get together at our place and bring food to share, we're willing to open up our house to a simple mini-meet. We can't promise a whole lot of snacks of our own, but I have a set of retired stamps to share, along with our own HH hostel outside. If nothing more, it's a nice time to hang out and say hello. If we have the ability, we'll even update the old stamps from past years for everyone's benefit.

Again, no NEW stamps, but a mini meet is still on. See the address for the new location!

Oct 5, 2010: Hallowed Grounds Tour is now Digging Up the Dead (Boxes)
Thanks to an awesome idea from our friends to the north (namely Jiggs and family), we've decided to go with the rehashing of the old tour boxes plan. There WILL be a 2010 event stamp to make it worth your while, but Jiggs is right...there's quite a few stamps from the old series that folks have yet to touch, mostly because they've gone missing.

So, the Highlander and I will either recarve and (with any luck even replant) the missing boxes. I know the ones from 2008 are especially frustrating, since each place is a part of a whole tombstone, so we'll start there. If we can't get the to the actual cemetery in time, we'll have them at the house for you.

Please let us know if you're still coming by so we know who to expect. Also, be sure to check the potluck list so you can bring something to share...the Highlander and I can do the cider, cocoa and donuts, but you'll want more than that!

Oct 16, 2010: Hallowed Grounds Tour updates!
Okay, I'll be heading out with some friends to replant the 2008 series tomorrow. If I'm lucky, I can also check some of the closer ones from 2009 (since it seems the Lockport ones have gone missing...AGAIN!) You'll want to check the 2008 event page for all the specifics on where things are. The 2007 series also seems to be MOSTLY in place (and comes right out of Medina for both parts) so consider searching there as well

The event location is still going to be our own Sprite Sanctuary (which has the Sprilander HH Hostel out front, as well as a limited edition series in the yard!). If you have yet to do the Medina boxes, now's your chance. I've also fixed the Potluck sign up (didn't have it ON before!), so please let us know what you can share with us.

Finally, I know a few people have been looking to partner up on driving the tours. Brown Coat, specifically, is looking for someone to ride or drive with. If you want to do the same, either contact me or contact anyone on the list and see if they're game. After all, we're all letterboxers, so you KNOW we're crazy!

Oct 17, 2010: 2008 Clues are back in place!
Thanks to Celtic Quinn and Brown Coat, I ws able to get both of the legs of the 2008 series replanted (use the event page to find links to both routes)! I put the clues on AQ instead of the old page, but you'll want to print this map out to bring with you. This will show you the direct locations and what each piece should look like. I'll have a new event stamp, of course, but everything else is relatively the same.

Oct 17, 2010: LOCATION UPDATE!
SEriously, last update! Since we don't have a lot of folk signing up for the potluck, we've moved our event just down the street to the Shirt Factory Cafe. It's like a combination of Panera's and Starbucks, but with a nice homey feel to it (check out the website here: Anyway, it's right in the middle of Medina instead of on the edge. Just drive into Medina on Route 63 and head west on Center Street. Pull into the parking lot on the left across from Rudy's and the Cafe is right there! Hanging out is free and they have Wi-fi, so you're linked, but feel free to patronize our new favorite place. You're also a stone's throw from The Letterbook box, Choo Choo Ch'Boogie and several others. Just do a search for Medina boxes and you should be set!

Oct 20, 2010: Newbie info only!
I had a good question about when we meet for the event. If you're not familiar with Hallowed Grounds, this has always been set up with 20-30 cemetery stamps with driving instructions to each (like a road rally with stamps, except you have all the directions ahead of time). So, people don't have a set time to be at the cafe...they just come in and out as they please. The Highlander will be sleeping, since the 23rd is the opening day of duck season, but I will personally be there to greet, exchange, and hang out with anyone from 2-6, no matter what!

So, come before you box, after you box, while you wait to's all good! The event is in Orleans County, which has the 2007 clues, but we replanted the 2008 clues in Genesee county last weekend. Either route will get you directly in or close to Medina. Just be sure to map out which one you want before you go!


  1. Sprite and Highlander (2)
  2. LuLaHe (4)
  3. G Team
  4. Brown Coat
  5. The Clintons (4)
  6. Jiggs (4)
  7. BfloAnonChick
  8. Celtic Hound
  9. goodie2shoes
  10. White Stallion
  11. John Deere Green
  12. The Groundhogs
  13. Team Sugar Daddy (7)
  14. Celtic Quinn
  15. JJCB Clan (4)
Total signups:34