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A Letterboxing Community

Atlas Quest
Event #1847

Misbehaving with Miss Chievous on Monday Restaurant

1146 Nagoya Way, San Pedro, CA
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Traditional LetterboxNearby
Registered Boxes: All Traditional HH/Cootie/Flea Postal LTC Event Box Traveler Other
StartsMon September 13, 2010 6:00pm
EndsMon September 13, 2010 9:00pm
OwnerPiper PawsProfileContactLogbookNote
AdminsDon and Gwen
Piper Paws
Location1146 Nagoya Way, San Pedro, CA
Add to CalendarGoogle calendar ICS file (e.g. Outlook, iCal, etc.)


Miss Chievous is visiting SoCal. We will be meeting for dinner at the Crusty Crab Restaurant in the Ports O'Call Village in San Pedro.

Crusty Crab
1146 Nagoya Way
San Pedro, CA 90731


  1. Piper Paws
  2. Raven (2)
  3. lifesavr65 (2)
  4. Kelsung
  5. Clarinet 226 (3)
  6. Dezert Ratty (2)
  7. LilRainDrop (2)
  8. Cherryontop
  9. Love to Carve
  10. N and L plus F and G (2)
Total signups:17