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A Letterboxing Community

Atlas Quest
Event #2143

Wassamatta With Los Angeles? 

Los Angeles, CA
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Traditional LetterboxNearby
Registered Boxes: All Traditional HH/Cootie/Flea Postal LTC Event Box Traveler Other
StartsSat July 2, 2011 10:00am
EndsSat July 2, 2011 6:00pm
OwnerPiper PawsProfileContactLogbookNote
AdminsPiper Paws
LocationLos Angeles, CA
Add to CalendarGoogle calendar ICS file (e.g. Outlook, iCal, etc.)


Wassamatta U is making his annual trek to Los Angeles for the anime convention. We will be getting together on July 2nd to do some boxing and some eating.

The Plan:
Kelsung suggested we meet at Ports O' Call to arrange carpools and take fewer cars to the beach. If you want to carpool, meet at the Crusty Crab. (Please indicate in the carpool section if you are meeting at Cabrillo or the Crab)
1146 Nagoya Way
San Pedro, CA 90731

Next stop, Cabrillo Beach (parking $9 flat rate)
3720 Stephen M White Dr.
San Pedro, CA 90731

High tide is 11:35am, so if the tide is low enough, let's do the tide pool boxes first, then the Aquarium.

Next stop, Little Whale Watch

Then, according to Kelsung, we are back near Ports O' Call.

I think this is a good start. I'll probably post more thoughts later, but you should also be looking at the clues in the near by area and heading North. (I want to try that ice cream place!)


  1. Piper Paws (3)
  2. Cherryontop
  3. Dog on a Mission
  4. MrOspital
  5. fleetwood7
  6. wassamatta u
  7. Clarinet 226 (3)
  8. Dezert Ratty (2)
  9. Old Roar
  10. Amanda from Seattle
  11. Summerfun
  12. WiggleWorm
  13. The Mad Boxer
  14. Kelsung (2)
  15. leenancytanney
  16. Poison Oak
Total signups:22