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A Letterboxing Community

Atlas Quest
Event #300

San Diego Letterbox Gathering PotluckBox-friendly

1851 S Melrose Dr, Vista, CA
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Traditional LetterboxNearby
Registered Boxes: All Traditional HH/Cootie/Flea Postal LTC Event Box Traveler Other
StartsSat March 24, 2007 11:00am
EndsSat March 24, 2007 3:00pm
Location1851 S Melrose Dr, Vista, CA
Add to CalendarGoogle calendar ICS file (e.g. Outlook, iCal, etc.)


***Sorry, Sign-ups for this event are closed!!**


There have been some questions floating around about the SD Gathering. I’m hoping that this email will answer most of these questions.


The gathering will be on Saturday, March 24th, 2007 at the Buena Vista Pond Park and Open Space in Vista, CA. The address for this park is 1851 South Melrose Drive, Vista, CA. If you look up the directions anywhere online, it will only tell you how to get to the general area on South Melrose where 1851 should be. That will get you close enough. Here’s what you need to know more specifically: follow the online directions to S. Melrose. When you get toward where 1851 S. Melrose should be, look for Shadowridge Drive (which intersects S. Melrose) and make a right on Shadowridge Drive. You will drive past some baseball diamonds and come to a small street called Antigua. Make a left on this street and that will take you into the parking lot of where the event will be held. I will send out a map once I get it scanned. There is limited space in this parking lot. If the lot is full, you can double back on Shadowridge and park in one of the lots for the baseball fields. It’s only about a five minute walk away. These directions sure sound like a letterboxing clue!

Although I’ve listed the event time as 11AM to 3PM, I technically have the park reserved until 6PM, so if folks want to stick around you are more than welcome to!!


Buena Vista Pond Park and Open Space is a quaint little park. There are three picnic sections, and we have one of them reserved for the event. The great thing about this park is that there are about 150 acres of hiking trails connected to it. Dogs are allowed on leash in the park and on the trails. There is also a duck pond full of ducks and geese that love to be fed by children. I’ve also seen people fishing in this pond, although I’m not sure for what. I will be using most of the picnic tables in the area for food and activities, so please bring your own picnic blankets, chairs, umbrellas (there are some trees with shade), etc… Don’t forget sunblock!!


When you get to the park, please stop by the sign-in table first. Here you can sign in, stamp the event book with your sig stamp, and also access the event stamp. You will also be receiving a “goodie bag” (kids will get their own version of the goodie bag), which will have the following:

- Schedule of events and list of activities
- Name Tag
- A Souvenir Event Tagbook – This is a little logbook made of shipping tags that you can use to record exchanges and LBs that you find during the event and have as a keepsake of the event! I will provide these as completely blank so you can decorate them however you want. I will bring some markers and colored pencils for everyone to use. The mini-logbooks are made by yours truly with lots of tlc, so I hope you’ll like ‘em!
- A surprise gift (sponsored by Speedball)
- Raffle ticket – Speedball has generously donated a block printing kit to give away in a drawing!!


- Food: I will be getting some pizzas and they’ll be at the park at around 11:30. If you’re bringing potluck items, there will be a few tables for food. If you’re bringing money for pizza or want to give a small donation, then you can just give the money to me or my husband. People can start chowing down at around noon to give time for people to bring stuff and get settled down.

- Letterboxing series: I am planning on planting three letterboxing series along the hiking trails. Some other folks have planted boxes as well. Again, if you are planning on planting a box for the event, please send me the clues directly. I will only have a couple of copies of the clues during the event so folks can take turns finding boxes. This will help us avoid having 50 people looking for the same box, which inevitably spoils the hunt for a lot of people since you just “follow the crowd.” I encourage folks to team up with other boxers to find boxes. It makes for a fun time!! I will leave these boxes intact after the event, and will pass out copies of the clues to people at the end of the event if they want to come back and look for the boxes on Sunday. I will also post the clues online after the event.

- Kids activities: Sitzmak has generously offered her time to plan the kids activities. Here are some of the things that she’s planning:
o A play area with some stomp rockets, flying discs, and balls
o Cootie T-Shirt – Parents, please bring a T-shirt for your child. Fabric paints will be provided, but not T-Shirts.
o Cooties (immunity stickers will be available)
o “Chocolate Game” – I have no idea what this is, but Sitzmak promises that it’s super fun
o Possible Word-of-Mouth kid-friendly LBs
In addition, each child will be receiving in their goodie bag their own souvenir tagbook, and a few slices of bread that they can feed the ducks with!!

- Carving Lesson by the famous Don – Don will be providing some carving tips for about an hour after lunch. Make sure to stop by his table to learn some really neat stuff!

I think that sums up most of it!! If you have any other questions, please email me, and I’ll be sure to send an answer to everyone.

I can’t wait to meet you all!! This is going to be a great event!!!

Here is the current potluck signup:

Piper Paws – Plastic Utensils
Lee and Nancy – Pizza $
Groggy Froggy – Pizza $
PeterK – Pizza $
Deniserows – Ice
Pilgrimsinthisisland – Pizza $ or chips
Take A Hike Club – Iced Tea, cups, trail mix
RMN SD – Paper plates, napkins, potluck dessert, ice
Estaire – Baked goods
TLC – Pesto Pasta Salad
BeachCelt – Chips
Punky – Soda
The 4 Splinters – Paper Plates
Tdyans - Cookies
Gerwiian Oma - Pizza $ and tablecloths
Wisconson Hiker - Pizza $ and dessert
Grumpy Grinch - Pizza $
Hanft Zoo - Water
Q and Ts - Soda and Juice
Reidling Trinity - Girlscout Cookies


  1. GeishaGirl (2)
  2. Don and Gwen (2)
  3. The 4 Splinters (2)
  4. Gerwaiian Oma (2)
  5. Tdyans
  6. Piper Paws (3)
  7. SierraSally64
  8. RMN SD (3)
  9. Groggy Froggy
  10. Sitzmak (4)
  11. Holleys Follies (3)
  12. wandaandpete (2)
  13. GeoGeorgia
  14. Reidling Trinity (5)
  15. leenancytanney (3)
  16. LilRainDrop
  17. Grumpy Grinch (2)
  18. Dooriya (2)
  19. T L C s (3)
  20. Q and the Ts (3)
  21. Kelsung (4)
  22. Fleur de Lys (2)
  23. Cattail mlk (2)
  24. naughty zoot
  25. pilgrimsinthisland (4)
  26. Take A Hike Club (2)
  27. flat tire
  28. deniserows (2)
  29. Wisconsin Hiker
  30. Martini Man
  31. BeachCelt (3)
  32. punky (4)
  33. PeterK
  34. scraphappy (4)
  35. teekasue (5)
  36. Buzzard
  37. Zoo Train (4)
  38. C C ya later (2)
Total signups:90