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Atlas Quest
Event #3251

Kelsung and Zuhl visit San Jose Restaurant

5027 Almaden Expy, San Jose, CA
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Traditional LetterboxNearby
Registered Boxes: All Traditional HH/Cootie/Flea Postal LTC Event Box Traveler Other
StartsSun August 3, 2014 2:00pm
EndsSun August 3, 2014 4:00pm
Ownerwassamatta uProfileContactLogbookNote
Adminswassamatta u
Location5027 Almaden Expy, San Jose, CA
Add to CalendarGoogle calendar ICS file (e.g. Outlook, iCal, etc.)


The ineffable Kelsung and the (very cool) Zuhl will be gracing San Jose with their presence, sometime on the afternoon of August 2nd. The time is approximate for the moment (and hopefully will be firmed up as the event draws closer and their travel plans take shape).

Location is again still up in the air for the moment, but tentatively the Brittainia Arms on Almaden,, pending me figgering stuff out.

Please join me in welcoming two of the TRULY Evil Geniuses in the Letterboxing World!!

Jul 24, 2014: Kelsung Meet and Greet
I screwed up!!! They will be here Sunday the 3rd, not Saturday the 2nd. I have adjusted the event listing accordingly, and beg your forgiveness if this causes any problems!!

Aug 2, 2014: Slight time adjustment
Kelsung and Zuhl will be in town a little earlier than anticipated, so anyone who wants to get a jump on things, we'll probably show up at Britannia Arms at around 1:00. I know this is last minute, but no worries at all if you show up at 2, we'll still be going strong for a while!

Aug 3, 2014: Thanks!
Thanks everyone for giving such a warm (albeit muggy) welcome to Kelsung and Zuhl is Cool!

The even stamp has now been listed. For those wondering, the image is a combination of the San Jose logo (the sunburst thingie) and the Cheshire Cat smile for which our SoCal friends are famous. By popular decree, the stamp was deemed: "Clever, yet disturbing", so henceforth, that's what it shall be called! Aptly named, since the very same description can be made of Kelsung himself.

Thanks again!!!


  1. wassamatta u
  2. Wendy
  3. Public Hand
  4. Dbare
  5. Kelsung
  6. Zuhl is cool
  7. lost sailor
  8. Nature Hikers (4)
  9. Da Kool Kats (2)
  10. momskie
  11. Princess Lea
  12. AFD 13 (2)
  13. fleetwood7
  14. Jaybirders (2)
  15. Monkeys! (3)
  16. Grumpy Grinch (2)
  17. Woman to Blame (2)
  18. Midnight sun (2)
Total signups:29