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A Letterboxing Community

Atlas Quest
Event #354

Orange County Letterbox Harvest PotluckPet-friendlyBox-friendly

18381 Goldenwest St, Huntington Beach, CA
Join event
Traditional LetterboxNearby
Registered Boxes: All Traditional HH/Cootie/Flea Postal LTC Event Box Traveler Other
StartsSat October 13, 2007 11:00am
EndsSat October 13, 2007 5:00pm
OwnerReidling TrinityProfileContactLogbookNote
AdminsReidling Trinity
Location18381 Goldenwest St, Huntington Beach, CA
Add to CalendarGoogle calendar ICS file (e.g. Outlook, iCal, etc.)
Group Photo #2



We hope you enjoyed Orange County Letterbox Harvest!
It was an awesome day and despite the morning drizzy, out of 122 folks signed-up, 78 of us still came together. You are awesome troopers! And we thank-you for making our efforts come to fruition!

How wonderful that folks drove-in from Colorado (TaiChi and ChaiTea!), Sacramento, San Jose, Ventura, San Diego, and many other long-distance places outside of Orange County, and naturally those of us who joined-in locally!

There's still a couple things worth noting.

Exchanges: You likely did a lot of exchanges, and it's often quite a task to enter them all into Atlas Quest quickly and accurately. If you want to track your exchanges online, try using the event exchange list to make things a bit easier.

Photos: Did you take lots of photos? Please, share them with the rest of us by uploading them to the official event photo album.

From the official event listing, you can view photos that others have uploaded (assuming they've already uploaded them already!), or find a list of nearby letterboxes, personal travelers, and event stamps to be logged as finds.

The kids boxes are now posted onto AQ.
The official names are:
2007 - Orange County Letterbox Harvest: Jack O'Lantern
2007 - Orange County Letterbox Harvest: Vampire Bat
2007 - Orange County Letterbox Harvest: Witch
2007-Orange County Letterbox Harves: A Warm Greeting -- out for Gathering only
Easiest way to find them is to go to my profile (Piper Paws) and click on Other Plants. I had a lot of fun today and hope you all did too! -Piper Paws

For those of you who will be hunting the Gathering Boxes over the next few days: please note, that on your Master Sheet the following boxes have gone missing (yes! already!)

Set A - Box 2: Blue Fairy
Set B - Box A: Ghost Recon was out for the Gathering Only
Set H - Box 2: Equestrian Center

Also, please note: those of you who attended the Logbook Workshop, you got the box:

Orange County

Again, thank you all for joining with us yesterday! It was a really fun day! And anytime you're hunting any of our boxes in Orange County and maybe want to get together, just email us ahead of time and we'll do our best!

On behalf of my organizing/facilitating team (Take A Hike: Ck-in table; Tdyans: Event Stamp & Exchange table; and Piper Paws: Kid's table), we hope to see you on the trails or at another Gathering in the future,

Reidling Trinity


Sponsored by: Reidling Trinity, Tdyans, Take A Hike, Piper Paws.

Updates: posted as of 10/12/07

Come rain (probably only a few drizzles tonight) or shine, we'll be there in the morning! We've got a WONDERFUL day planned, and we're so looking forward to meeting each and everyone of you! ~ Pookie of Reidling Trinity


Everyone is encouraged to carve a Harvesty, Halloweenish personal traveller to bring to the Gathering. Post the clues to

WOM are most welcome. Clues can be left at the check-in table.

PRIZES! Did we mention "prizes?" We've got alot in store. When you arrive be sure to fill-out the form as some of the prizes will be awarded to folks based on the information on them. We also have an awesome Speedball Carving set to award the adult who carves the BEST PUMPKIN... A very cool LB totebag to award as the Grand Prize, an AQ hat, carving materials and AQ patches and more. (Adult Prizes courtesy of Speedball, ReidlingTrinity, Take A Hike, and Tdyans. Kid Prizes courtesy of Piper Paws.)

Here's the Itinerary for the day:
11:00 am -- Event begins
11:30 am -- Logbook Workshop with Pookie
12:00 pm -- Lunchtime
12:30 pm -- Group Photo
1:00 pm -- Carving Workshop with Lee
1:30 pm -- Ciphers Workshop with Tdyans
5:00 pm -- Event ends.
Pre-Gathering Friday Night Dinner For information and sign-ups for the Friday evening pre-event dinner go to the events calendar:

UPDATE FROM TDYANS AS OF 10/3/07 Sitzmak will be carving an "event" stamp for our dinner!
LOCATION DIRECTIONS: Huntington Central Park
From 405 FWY: exit on Goldenwest and go south, toward the beach. Turn right onto Slater. Turn left onto Edwards. Turn left onto Inlet Drive (a residential street) -- if you go up the hill, you've passed it.

From PCH: go north on Goldenwest. Turn left onto Ellis. Turn Right onto Edwards. At the bottom of the hill turn right onto Inlet Drive (a residential street) -- if you get to Slater, you've passed it.

ON INLET DRIVE: parking lot is on immediate right. If lot is full, park on the street. Gathering Check-in Table will be clearly identified with balloons & sign, and will be located in the middle of the green, before the bathrooms and playground. Upon arriving go to Check-in Table.
FOOD: We thought it would be easiest to have it be a picnic. Bring your own sandwich and non-alcoholic beverage, and also a potluck item. The potluck categories are:

Potluck updates
MUNCHIES -- GeishaGirl-2 large bag of chips;BeachCelt-chips, Q and the T's-melon or grapes, some crackers & kid crackers, Dezert ratty-fruit,

SIDEDISHES (includes salads of all kinds)-- PeterK-Cessair Salad, RMN SD-veggies & dips; Dcar Family-finger foods; Baker Street Searchers - green salad w/chicken in it, Kissmefrog-salad,

DESSERTS -- T L C; Sitzmak - cake; Scraphappy - brownies; Woolfairy - apple strudel, Scoutingbear-cookies,

PAPER PRODUCTS (plates, napkins, forks) -- Fleur de Lys

BEVERAGES (also bring your own) -- Fleur de Lys-two cases of bottled water; GeishaGirl-two 2-liter bottles of soda;BeachCelt-soda,Take A Hike-lemonaide, Scoutingbear-juice, Reidling Trinity-case of bottled water,

Please email ReidlingTrinity with your potluck item--asap-- so that we don't have an over abundance of one area. Thanks!

1. Have lunch at the Barefoot Cafe, which is located in the park, but is only open until 1 pm.

2. There is a SUBWAY located on Goldenwest and Garfield, which is south of the Park, at the next major stoplight (only 5 minutes from park).
KID'S ACTIVITIES: We will have a Kid's Table. Piper Paws will have some fun kid activities planned. There will be a kid's only letterboxing hunt and a kid's pumpkin decorating contest & prizes (see details below), and other activities, which we'll update as they become firm.

UPDATE FROM PIPER PAWS AS OF 10/6/07The gathering is next week and the count down is on! More kids are coming then at first I assumed, so I am asking for a little help. If you have some pens to draw on the pumpkins with, could you please bring them. I have a few glitter glue pens, stickers to decorate with, but I haven't purchased any felt pens. To keep 25 kids occupied, I would need quite a few, so instead, I am asking you all to bring some along. Any other decorating items would also be appreciated. I can't wait to see you all!

I am planning some entertainment for the kids and it is vital that I know how many will be there! So, please email asap with how many kids you are bringing, their ages, and their gender. Also, keep in mind that we will be decorating pumpkins. Make sure you bring a pumpkin! At this point, I plan on having markers to draw on the pumpkins and glitter glue. We will not be carving. If you want to carve with them, it is your responsibility to bring carving supplies and to supervise. Also, if you have any other ideas for decorating the pumpkins, please let me know!

Current list of children attending:
Woolfairy Clan (2)
Fleur de Lys (1)
Anam Cara Family (1)
RMN SD (1)
Reidling Trinity (1)
TLC (1)
Scouting Bear (2)
Piper Paws (1)
Sitzmak (2)
Dcar (2)
Scraphappy (2)
Gratefuljones (2)
Baker St. Searchers (2)
BeachCelt (2)
Kissmefrog (2)
Q and the T's (1)

Kid's Itinerary
11:30 am -- Cooties Workshop / Kid's LB Clues also made available
1:00 pm -- Kid's Pumpkin decoration workshop (parents, if your child is going to carve their pumpkin, you MUST be present to assist them)

PLEASE email PiperPaws with the name and age of your child asap.
ADULT ACTIVITIES: We've got lots of activities planned, probably too many! lol Here's what we've got so far: adult pumpkin decorating contest (carved or whatever is fine -- see details below), maybe some workshops (stamp carving, logbook making, reading a compass), raffle prizes, 15-20+ letterboxes to hunt, a group photo, event stamp, traveling event stamps, exchanges, cooties, travelers, others, and more!

WORKSHOPS (more added as they firm-up)

Cool & Easy Homemade Logbooks. Pookie of RT will show ya how to make a really easy logbook that turns out looking pretty, darn cool. Demonstration, samples, directions and supplies provided to make your own logbook during the workshop. UPDATE 10/2/07: I'm looking forward to meeting you and sharing in this fun little logbook! We'll begin promptly at 11:30 AND end at 12, just in time for lunch. You'll be surprised how quick and easy this process is.

Supplies to bring per person in your group: 3-4 pieces of paper, pencil, ruler, awl, bookbinding needle (Dritz has an Assorted Repair Needle kit OR Doll Making Needles work, too, for about $1.50 that has this type of needle in it), and some type of sturdy thread (sinew, hemp, embroidery thread, but NOT regular thread), and scissors.

I will have supplies on hand, but not enough for everyone. I will also be handing out a template to use for future logbooks. I've also found another really cute, quick & easy logbook to show. So, you'll be learning 2!

I have the following people pre-registered for the workshop Registered:
Fleur de Lys (2),
Dezert Ratty (2),
Dcar Family (2),
Q and the T's,
Woolfairy Clan

Clues & Codes. Tdyans will take you into the mystery of clues and codes. After this workshop you'll be a master at breaking them and writing them!

Stamp Carving 101. Lee of leenancytanney has graciously agreed to lead a beginning stamp carving class. He'll show you the abc's and maybe some inside tips as well! Bring your own supplies to carve a stamp. UPDATE AS OF 10/2/07 If you are planning to attend carving workshop, here is a suggested supply list to bring. Lee will have a few items on hand, but not enough for everyone.

Suggested carving supplies: some images, tracing paper, pencils, a variety of carving material and tools, and individual carving boards.

Lee will begin with a demonstration at 1, and then open workshop up to carving. Note: this workshop is not limited to only 30 minutes, but as long as folks (or Lee) want.

PUMPKIN DECORATING CONTEST: If you or your child are interested in participating, please bring: any size pumpkin and your own safety-first carving tools and/or other decorating tools, newspaper to work on, and... anything else I forgot to mention. NOTE: your pumpkin needs to be carved by 2:00. Judging will take place between 2-2:30, at which time the Pumpkin Contest Prize and other prizes will be handed out.

Tdyans will have the Southern California Letterboxing Patches for sale.

Reidling Trinity will have AtlasQuest patches!

If you're bringing a traveler make sure you list the clues for it at asap.

If you plan on planting boxes for the event, please email the clues to Piper Paws and remember: don't list the clues publically until AFTER the gathering.

Note: we will have a limited number of clues available for hunting at the registration table that can be checked out throughout the day for event boxes planted.

If you are planting a box for the event, and you do NOT email your clues to Piper Paws to be included in Gathering Clues printouts, please, bring about 5 copies of your clues to leave at the Registration Table. Thanks!

For people coming from out-of-town and will be staying for a few days, we'll have a more complete listing of nearby boxes for you, as not all of them are showing up!

Dogs are welcome, but must be kept on a leash AND there's a dog park right there, too! :)


  1. Reidling Trinity (3)
  2. Holleys Follies (3)
  3. Take A Hike Club (4)
  4. scraphappy (4)
  5. Zuhl is cool (3)
  6. Piper Paws (3)
  7. Sitzmak (4)
  8. RMN SD (3)
  9. GeishaGirl
  10. Tdyans
  11. leenancytanney
  12. BeachCelt (4)
  13. TaiChi and ChaiTea (2)
  14. Dezert Ratty (2)
  15. robnmon (4)
  16. Q and the Ts (3)
  17. Dcar Family (4)
  18. T L C s (3)
  19. Fleur de Lys (2)
  20. Scoutingbear (3)
  21. surfcitykidz (5)
  22. weBjammann
  23. PeterK
  24. Baker Quad Squad (4)
  25. Purple Raven (3)
  26. Groggy Froggy
  27. Gerwaiian Oma (2)
  28. The 4 Splinters (4)
  29. LilRainDrop
  30. hams on the run (4)
  31. Baker St Searchers (4)
  32. Kissmefrog (3)
  33. Woolfairy (4)
  34. C C ya later (3)
  35. gratefuljones (3)
  36. Aristocats (4)
  37. Jones5 (5)
  38. Jet Fuel Only (3)
  39. Kelsung
  40. naughty zoot
Total signups:114