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A Letterboxing Community

Atlas Quest
Event #478

Rendezvous at the Ridge Box-friendly

Chestnut Ridge Park, Orchard Park, NY
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Traditional LetterboxNearby
Registered Boxes: All Traditional HH/Cootie/Flea Postal LTC Event Box Traveler Other
StartsSat June 7, 2008 10:00am
EndsSat June 7, 2008 5:00pm
LocationChestnut Ridge Park, Orchard Park, NY
Add to CalendarGoogle calendar ICS file (e.g. Outlook, iCal, etc.)



I wanted to give a Little update to what I am planning for this event. I figured since the park is so large and there are not a ton of people going we would do things a little different for this event. I figured from 10 till 1 we will meet at the Casino. That is the big building on top of the sledding hill. There are plenty of tables inside and it is very scenic. There we can do a normal meet and greet and exchange during that time. Then I think from 1 till 5 we will break off into either groups or a single group (depending on how many people are there) and take a tour of some of the great landmarks around the park. Those that would rather stay behind and socialize could obviously. The park is huge and you could easily spend many hours boxing. If you are looking for clues to the boxes you can print them off of the Sprites website form the WNY gathering form last August. To my knowledge there have not been any new boxes planted since then. You can find that site here: The clues here are organized very convienently into groups that are easy to follow. There is an awesome map you can purchase of The Ridge here: or printed here Since there is only like thirty people coming including young children I think if everybody brought picnic lunches for themselves and there families it would work out best. I will update again soon. If you have any questions please feel free to email me! Thanks Again!

This event will be the first of what will hopefully be an Annual Event held at Chestnut Ridge Park. It is an event held to give everyone who wants to come to Chestnut Ridge Park to Letterbox an excuse to come, from both near and far! My goal was to make Chestnut Ridge Park into a destination park for Letterboxers from all everywhere to come to. There are currently over 120 boxes in the park and surely many more by then. A full weekend can be spent and you MIGHT get them all! :-) It is a great park with many varied features and sights to see!
You can check out my Website about the park:

It does need to be updated since the 5th Annual Western New York Gathering. I am a little behind!


  1. chadams
  2. Mamma2ks08 (2)
  3. Lady Lilac
  4. dee123 (3)
  5. Celtic Quinn
  6. Puppy Lover1
  7. Mermaid Girl
  8. MARVO
  9. Song and Silence (2)
  10. Sprite and Highlander
  11. pamainiac (4)
  12. Fiddleheads (5)
  13. Landmark Leapsters (2)
  14. Dancer RP
  15. 4Sailors (4)
Total signups:30