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Atlas Quest

Help: Trackers

Sub-Categories: LTC Trackers · Other Trackers · Postal Trackers · Traditional Trackers
  1. How do I sort the participants or boxes of a tracker?
  2. Why can't I add a box to a tracker?
  3. How do I start or create a tracker?
  4. How do I search for trackers that I've signed up for?
  5. When starting a tracker, who can I contact for advice?
  6. How do I add a tracker?
  7. How do I see the trackers I'm signed up for?
  8. Is there a way to organize or sort my tracker signups?
  9. How do I find trackers?
  10. What is a tracker?
  11. How do I rename a tracker?
  12. How do I rename tags?
  13. How do I delete a Tracker?
  14. What type of tracker should I create?
  15. How do I join a 'limited' status tracker?
  16. What are the tracker status options?
  17. How do I get rid of the little red x after my name?
  18. How do you delete a tracker?
  19. How do I add a box to a tracker?
  20. What is a singleton

How do I sort the participants or boxes of a tracker?

The owner of the tracker can add or sort the participants from the 'Edit Tracker' option on the tracker details page. Boxes in a tracker cannot be sorted manually, however Atlas Quest will auto-sort them based on the person who owns the box so they show up in the same order as the participant list which is what most people intuitively expect anyhow.

Why can't I add a box to a tracker?

Most of the time, it's because you aren't supposed to. A single postal or LTC tracker, for instance, is an organizational method where only the owner of the tracker can add boxes.

Additionally, remember that the type of box must match the type of tracker. Only postals can be added to a postal tracker, only LTCs can be added to an LTC tracker, and only other boxes can be added to an other tracker.

How do I start or create a tracker?

The short answer: Use the Add Trackers link, which you can find on the My Trackers page, which is found under the My Page menubar option.

The long answer: You'll likely get a hundred different answers if you ask a hundred different people. Some people will suggest announcing it to the appropriate message board (either Postals or Letterboxer Trading Cards board, for instance)—especially if signups are slow. Others will give you advice about how many people you should allow in your tracker, or how to organize and keep track of everything. Once the tracker is listed, however, do what feels right to you. There is no one right way to run a tracker (although some might argue there are many incorrect ways to run one!) One good piece of advice, however, is to sign up for a couple of other trackers to get a better sense of how they work and what to expect before creating one of your own.

How do I search for trackers that I've signed up for?

The easiest way is to go to your logbook and change the 'Letterbox Action' pull-down box to Tracker. Alternately, the tracker's Advanced Search page includes an option to return only trackers that you have signed up for.

When starting a tracker, who can I contact for advice?

Some experienced previous tracker leaders to contact include:
Linden Leaf
aMAZEing adventure frog

How do I add a tracker?

You can add a tracker for traditionals, postals, LTCs and others by hovering your mouse over the My Page heading, clicking My Trackers, and clicking the Create Tracker link.

How do I see the trackers I'm signed up for?

Hover your mouse over the "My Page" menu option in the top right corner. Select the "My trackers" option. The left side of the screen title "Active Trackers" will display all the trackers you are involved with that you have marked as "active". At the bottom of this list, you can also click on "Waiting trackers" to see a list of trackers that you've changed your personal status to "waiting", or click the "My trackers" link at the bottom to see a complete list of your trackers, regardless of your current status.

Is there a way to organize or sort my tracker signups?

Hover your mouse over the "My Page" menu item and select "Trackers". By the "Joined" list, you'll have options to show a list of trackers that you have signed up for by type or all trackers. Pick whatever suits your purposes.

These are links to a normal tracker search and at this point, you can edit the search to sort the trackers in a number of ways.

As for organizing your signups, you can edit an individual tracker's tags to suit your own purposes. There's no right or wrong way to use tags—they are there for you to use however you want.

How do I find trackers?

The main tracker page can be found under the My Page menubar option. Select the My Trackers option. If you do not see this option, it is because your preferences are set to ignore all box types are that applicable to trackers. You'll need to enable either postals, virtuals, or others to use trackers.

From this main tracker page, use one of the "Available Trackers" link to display a search that includes only trackers that are open and have room available for the type of tracker you're interested in joining.

You can then save this search—use the "Save Search" link in the upper-right corner of the search results page—and enable the option to get notifications whenever a new tracker is added. Each night, Atlas Quest will send straight to your AQ inbox a list of all new trackers that are added that you can join.

What is a tracker?

A tracker is a system on Atlas Quest used to help members organize the trading of boxes. How the trades take place vary based on box types. Postal trackers help members organize rings and allow members to see who still needs what and who has already received what. LTC trackers help members organize and plan swaps. Traditional trackers can be used to group related boxes together.

What they all have in common, however, is that it allows members to track other members and their boxes in an otherwise chaotic environment.

How do I rename a tracker?

Go to the tracker details page for the tracker in question, click the 'Edit Tracker' button on the right-hand side of the page, change the name, and save!

How do I rename tags?

While viewing the details of a tracker, in the section that allows you to set which tags are on and off, you'll also see a pencil image. Clicking on that will allow you to edit the names on the tags.

How do I delete a Tracker?

From the tracker details page, click the 'Delete Tracker' button near the right side of the page.

What type of tracker should I create?

When creating a new tracker, you're given a number of options for possible tracker types. Picking the correct tracker type can sometimes be confusing, so here is a short guide that describes each of the different types.

Postal Trackers
SingletonA postal single is a postal letterbox that travels between each of the members on a tracker page. Create this type of tracker if you have a single postal that you want to track.
RingThis type of tracker is used to manage a postal ring where every member of the tracker makes a postal and all of the postals travel in a ring from one member of the tracker to the next.
OtherThis type of tracker manages a postal single or ring that doesn't follow the traditional rules for postals. It's not used very often, and chances are if you're listing a new tracker, you'll want to use one of the prior two types.

LTC Trackers
SingletonAn LTC singleton tracker keeps track of cards made by the tracker owner that are available for trade. For example, you might create a tracker to offer trades for a limited run cards. In practice this type of tracker is not used very often.
SwapThis type of tracker is used to manage an LTC Swap, where all participants create a set of cards, send them to the host, and then receive a complete set in return. Are you thinking of hosting an LTC swap?
OtherThe other type of LTC tracker is used when the other two categories don't fit; however, it's very rare that this happens.

Traditional Trackers

Note: traditional trackers are used to track traditional boxes. They should not be used for other uses, such as when requesting stamps for an event (even if they are going to be used for a traditional series), because this forces tracker participants to create listings for traditional boxes that do not exist.
Themed SeriesCreate this type of tracker if you want to organize a set of boxes that are related to each other but spread out geographically that letterboxers might search for in any order and on different outings. If the clues for all boxes start at the same location (like a parking area) and a letterboxer will typically get all of the boxes in a single outing, list the boxes as a traditional series instead.
GuideCreate this type of tracker if you want to write a guide for the boxes in a specific location (such as a large park). Make sure to have the permission from each box owner if you include their boxes in your guide and do not give away any exact box locations or clue spoilers.

Other Trackers

An other tracker is used to manage any sort of exchange with other letterboxers. For example, you can create an other tracker for keeping track of stamp donations for a series that you're going to plant or for managing and tracking donations for an event raffle.

How do I join a 'limited' status tracker?

You must contact the owner of the tracker and ask to join.

What are the tracker status options?

openThe tracker is open and accepting new members. Just join—no permissions needed!
limitedThe tracker is accepting new members, but you must contact the owner of the tracker and ask to be added.
closedThe tracker is no longer open to new members but is currently in progress.
retiredThe tracker is done and over. Not only will it not accept new members, but even those who signed up for the tracker are done iwth it.

How do I get rid of the little red x after my name?

The little red x () is the universal icon used to represent deletion. Click on this link to delete yourself from the tracker.

The owner of the tracker will be able to delete anyone from the tracker, but a participant in the tracker will only be permitted to remove themselves.

How do you delete a tracker?

Pull up the listing and click the “Delete Tracker” button, confirm that you want to delete it, and presto—it's deleted.

You must be the owner of the tracker in order to delete the tracker, however.

How do I add a box to a tracker?

  1. List your letterbox to get an AQ #.
  2. Join the tracker. If a tracker is “open” just use the “Join Tracker” option. If it is “Limited” you can request to join by sending an AQ mail to the owner.
  3. Go to the tracker listing and there will be an option to “Add Box” in the upper left. Follow the prompts. You can type in the AQ # or the name of the box, confirm it is the correct box and submit it.

NOTE: The box type must be the same as the tracker type. You can’t, for instance, recycle an old LTC carve and add it to a postal tracker without relisting it as a postal box first.

What is a singleton

A Singleton is a Postal Letterbox that is not traveling as part of a Postal Ring.
More information on Singletons can be found in Items #2, #3, #11 and #15

A Singleton can be whatever you want to make it. It can be “”Heavy” (contain a book or DVD), Standard (6x9 padded), or a Micro. Just pick the applicable attributes when listing the box and setting up the tracker.

If it’s a recycled Box (returned from a Ring) the same AQ number should be used. So that those who have already received the Postal will know not to sign up.