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A Letterboxing Community

Atlas Quest

What do the directional arrows mean?

When viewing a traditional letterbox or an event, Atlas Quest will point to the direction of the letterbox or event from where your home location is listed. Atlas Quest will attempt to use your private home location which can be set in your preferences. If no location is listed or it's vague such as somewhere in a state, then AQ will try to use your public location—set in your profile—as your home. If that fails, no directional arrows will be provided.
None The letterbox or event is exactly where you are!
Unknown The letterbox or event doesn't have a specific enough location to know what direction it is located from your home.
North The letterbox or event is north of your home location.
Northeast The letterbox or event is northeast of your home location.
East The letterbox or event is east of your home location.
Southeast The letterbox or event is southeast of your home location.
South The letterbox or event is south of your home location.
Southwest The letterbox or event is southwest of your home location.
West The letterbox or event is west of your home location.
Northwest The letterbox or event is northwest of your home location.