McDonalds Announcement 
Okay, some people aren't going to like this, but I have bills to pay too! I've inked out a deal with McDonalds where they'll promote letterboxing (and Atlas Quest!) in their stores and pay me a LOT of money for three months. My part.... well, I created a theme for them, officially approved by the North American President of Marketing, Steve Greenley. I'd be a fool not to take (six digits) for a McDonald's inspired theme.
The folks running McDonalds want to be seen as hip and provide healthy options for children, and they see letterboxing as a fun, healthy activity that fits the niche they want to fill.
Actually, the money isn't just for a theme—it's to also help cover the expenses required to upgrade the server for the anticipated growth in members and activity on Atlas Quest, and offset the cost for a dedicated person that will ensure all content on this site stays 'kid friendly.'

I've also agreed to provide a special attribute that can be listed on boxes planted in a McDonalds restaurant, their famous golden arch (see example on right). They don't want you plant boxes in the stores—liability issues and all—but they'll provide boxes and clues for 'all participating restaurants' and they'll be able to list them as officially planted McDonalds boxes. The part about 'participating' restaurants means pretty much all North American restaurants except those in airports, on military bases, in shopping malls where they do not have permission to plant a box in the common area, and the town of Silverdale in New Mexico due to some ordinance there.
Right now, they're only running a trial in 100 restaurants before running it as a national campaign, but I figure even the trial will likely lead to hundreds or even thousands of new members during the next few months, so they'll likely be a lot of confusion and questions coming from them. Let's help them out the best we can and give them that famous Atlas Quest welcome! =)
If you have any questions, I probably won't be able to answer them promptly since I intend to finish my thru-hike to Springer Mountain, but you can contact the guy in charge of the promotion, McBoxer, at They also have their own letterboxing website at for additional details.
Happy trails!
— The Green Tortuga