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A Letterboxing Community

Atlas Quest
Tracker #9106

National Parks Centennial - Poster Art SwapThemed

LTC Tracker
ListedAugust 16, 2016
ModifiedApril 2, 2017
StartsApril 1, 2017Send by
OwnerGypsy FiddlerProfileContactLogbookNote
Max Signups20


After visiting four of our National Parks last week on our family vacation, I realize that they need to be honored with a special LTC tracker! I know they have been honored before, but in recognition of their 100th birthday, I would like to create a set of cards based on the new series of 59 posters-one for each park-that the National Park Service has had produced. I have a set of all of these posters in postcard format and will send you an image of the park poster that you desire....or, you can obtain these artwork images by visiting any National Park or monument visitor center. You may also be able to view them on the website for the parks....... I set the number at 20, but if there is interest in more, I would like to increase it and make a bigger set. I do not anticipate it going higher than 30 for sure, but please let me know if you object to a larger number than 20.

These poster images are very stunning, and are particularly good for making a layered stamp, if that is the way you want to go. Any way you approach it, these will be beauiful!

Please follow the usual, basic rules for preparing and packaging your LTC's. All this information can be found on AQ, or email me with questions!

Please enclose enough postage for return; a bubble mailer with 20 cards needs six forever stamps. I will sort and return cards no later than 10 days after the send-by date.


  1. Gypsy FiddlerProfileContactLogbookNote
  2. JabberProfileContactLogbookNote
  3. The WoodshedProfileContactLogbookNote
  4. GypsyLadybugProfileContactLogbookNote
  5. LROSEMProfileContactLogbookNote
  6. tigerlillyProfileContactLogbookNote
  7. Linden LeafProfileContactLogbookNote
  8. RDAMillerProfileContactLogbookNote
  9. kudichanProfileContactLogbookNote
  10. AgentTrain4ProfileContactLogbookNote
  11. Red BirdProfileContactLogbookNote
  12. MimProfileContactLogbookNote
  13. RIclimberProfileContactLogbookNote
  14. aMAZEing adventure frogProfileContactLogbookNote
  15. Four If By SeaProfileContactLogbookNote
  16. wishful thinkin'ProfileContactLogbookNote
  17. pixadoodlesProfileContactLogbookNote
  18. CosmikRaspberryProfileContactLogbookNote
  19. Pitt MomProfileContactLogbookNote