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A Letterboxing Community

Atlas Quest
Tracker #9318

Halloween Postcards SwapThemed

LTC Tracker
ListedFebruary 8, 2017
ModifiedSeptember 12, 2017
StartsOctober 15, 2017Send by
OwnerPitt MomProfileContactLogbookNote
Max Signups15
LocationChandler, IN


I love love love receiving LTC's, but seeing the post cards in the mail is so awesome, and I love seeing all the different creative minds at work! THat being said, Halloween is my favorite holiday, so, let's see what you all have to offer :)

Please create a larger size LTC (Postcard 4 1/4 x 5 1/2) and carve at least one Halloween themed stamp to stamp on it. You can add more if you like. Please include the AQ # somewhere on the back of the card. One piece of cardstock will make 4 cards with the above size.

The "main" stamp should be on the picture side and other stamps plus their sig stamp on the address side. Please get your signature stamp (normal or mini) somewhere on the card. Messages are also welcomed.

Postcards require only $0.35 to mail. So here is how the mailing will work.

Please have all the cards in the mail by October 15, 2017 to ensure everyone has received them on or before Halloween. Cards will NOT be mailed to me.

Register each card when you receive it. Don't forget to add it to the tracker.

Cards will be mailed individually to all on the list. Please send me your mailing address once you have joined the tracker. I’ll send the list to all participants as soon as I hear from everyone.

I hope you all enjoy this tracker. I can't wait to see the fabulous cards in the mail, especially since Halloween is my fav! Thanks again for participating!


  1. Turtle05ProfileContactLogbookNote
  2. Pitt MomProfileContactLogbookNote
  3. JaybirdersProfileContactLogbookNote
  4. Penguin_Girl22ProfileContactLogbookNote
  5. caveman-80-inc.ProfileContactLogbookNote
  6. live4thepastProfileContactLogbookNote
  7. ebdaProfileContactLogbookNote
  8. Autumn AcornsProfileContactLogbookNote
  9. RDAMillerProfileContactLogbookNote
  10. Acorns4uProfileContactLogbookNote
  11. F'inA AdventurersProfileContactLogbookNote
  12. crosscresentProfileContactLogbookNote
  13. MudPuddlersProfileContactLogbookNote
  14. RIclimberProfileContactLogbookNote
  15. GreaseLightningProfileContactLogbookNote