Creating a Website Tutorial
This tutorial will show you how to create your own webpages in just five easy lessons. The techniques discussed here, in fact, are the same ones that Atlas Quest uses! Pop open the hood and get control of your clues today by mastering HTML!
If you've never used a computer before, this tutorial is not meant for you. This tutorial will not explain how to open or save files, or how to navigate a directory tree. It will not explain how to download and install software you might find useful nor explain how to Google the web for additional information. You are expected to have a basic, rudimentary understanding of how to work a computer. Without that, this tutorial will give you nothing but trouble!

Marjorie was shocked to find George Junior oogling naked chicks instead of studying his HTML!
- It's tradition to create a 'hello world' program when first starting to learn a new programming language. We'll do that in this lesson with HTML, and learn the proper structure for an HTML page at the same time.
- You've made your first webpage, but we aren't fooling anyone. It's ugly. Let's spruce it up a bit with tags and colors!
- We've got a nice page laid out, but that was a lot of effort. Let's make things easy on ourselves and use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to control an entire website.
- You're website is done—let's make it public so the rest of the world can enjoy it! Get your own domain name, and even learn how to make it pay for itself!
- This is just the tip of the iceberg. If you're interested in learning more about creating websites, here's where you might consider taking your new-found skills.
- Resources on the web and in print you might find useful.